Memorial Details

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Panels 1914-18 Holy Trinity





Original Location

Holy Trinity Church

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled November 1924 by Major-General F.A. Dudgeon, C.B. (G.O.C. Northumberland area) and dedicated by Dr. S.K. Knight, Bishop of Jarrow.

Memorial Description

Panels “covering the whole of the east wall and south side of the chancel arch, and the doorway to the vestry has also been included. It is a magnificent piece of craftsmanship, and forms one of the most beautiful memorials in the district. Round the doorway is carved the Tree of Life; it has a Latin cross in the centre, over which two angels are holding a crown. At the side underneath are the words “Mors Janua Vitae” (“Death is the door to life”). To the left of the door are four figures, representing the four Patron Saints. At the top there is the shamrock, rose and thistle. In the middle of the rose there figures St.Cuthbert’s Cross, in gold, and below are the arms of Stockton and the inscription to the fallen. To the right of the door is a centre panel, beautifully carved, and there the flowers are the daffodil, with St.Cuthbert’s Cross, and underneath are the words “Pro Deo, Pro Rege, Pro Patria” (“For God, for King, For Country”). The names of the fallen appear on three large bronze tablets with the inscription “Their Name liveth for evermore”.

Materials used

Oak, bronze.



1. “There was a memorial tablet here, but with increasing dereliction and vandalism of the building it was taken to St. Peter’s and put in storage. When St. Peter’s was damaged by fire the tablet was burnt.” (Simon Raine)

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Darlington and Stockton Times 15/11/1924 reports unveiling.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Christine Jemmeson; Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Panels 1914-18 Holy Trinity (S138.36)

STOCKTON ON TEES   Holy Trinity Church
The layout of this memorial  is unknown.  
The following list has been taken from a newspaper report, 
and has not been compared with the original nor a good photo.
   Pte. W. Adams         Pte. F. Jones              Capt. J. Arrowsmith
   Pte. J.W. Arrowsmith  Sec.Lieut. R.R. Kay        Sergt.-Major B.Atkinson
   Capt. F.A. Bagley     Capt. H.S. King, B.A.,M.C. Sergt. F. Atkinson
   Sec.Lieut. H.W. Batty Pte. L. King               Lieut. A. Braithwaite
   Pte. O. Bean          Lance-Corpl. A.Laidler     Pte. F. Bray
   Bdn. G. Berry         Pte. R. Laidler            Pte. T. Butters, D.C.M.
   Pte. H. Blackburn     Pte. J.E. Law              Lance-Corpl. P.G.  ?
   Pte. T. Bradbury      Pte. R. Lewis              Egr. J. Davidson    
   Pte. E. Butterwick    Egr. J.H. Mallaby          Pte. C.F.R. Dawson    
   Pte. F. Chapman       Stkr. A.E. Marshall        Capt. A. Dobson    
   Pte. F.T. Clapham     Pte. A. Mason              Gnr. J. Flowers    
   Gnr. G.W. Cleasby     Pte. R.C. Meynell          Lieut. F.R. Hoggett    
   Sergt. A. Collins     Pte. J.H. Mitchenson       Corpl. H. Howe    
   Pte. J. Cowley        Pte. A.H. Muirhead         Lieut. J.G. John    
   Pte. C. Danby         Pte. T.H. Myers            Pte. V. Johnson    
   Spr. J. Darbyshire    Pte. W.V. Nightingale      Pte. W. Marley    
   Pte. S. Davies        Gnr. J.H. Nicholas         Pte. D. Overfield    
   Pte. A. Douglas       Pte. T. O’Grady            Sigr. G. Peat    
   Pte. A. Downing       Pte. A.H. Patterson        Pte. G.R. Porritt    
   Pte. G. Eastwood      Pte. H.C. Patterson        Capt. G.G. Sadler 
   Pte. G.W. Edwards     Pte. S. Petty              Lance-Corpl. J.T. Sawbridge
   Sergt. T.V. Elliott   Pte. A. Postgate           Sergt. P. Simpson    
           Evis          Sn. J. Powell              Egr. W. Todd    
   Spr. J.W. Fail        Pte. F.W. Pringle          Spr. J. Vickers    
   Pte. R. Farnes        Gnr. T. Proud              Lance-Corpl. A. Walls 
   Pte. J.R. Farrow      Pte. J.A. Robinson         Pte. T. Wilkinson    
   Pte. G.M. Farrow      Pte. T. Ross               Pte. J.A. Wilson    
   Stkr. J. Foxton       Sigr. T.R. Skinner
   Pte. R. Gent          Gnr. J. Smith
   Pte. I.E. Grant       Pte. J.W. Smith
   Corpl. E.L. Griffiths Pte. R. Smith
   Pte. R.J. Hall        Pte. W. Stevens
   Corpl. T.W. Marland   Sec.Lieut. H.M. Thomas
   Corpl. G.H. Harper    Lance-Corpl. H. Tuton
   Pte. H.W. Heslop      Lance-Corpl. J.W. Wallace
   Egr. B.C. Hill        Sec.Lieut. E. Walton
   Pte. I. Higgs         Sec. Lieut. B.A. Watson
   Pte. C.F. Hudson      Stkr. T. Wheatley
   Pte. J.T. Humphreys   Spr. T.G. Wickins
   Pte. S. Inglis        Sergt. D. Wiley
   Capt. T.B. Inglis     Sergt. G. Wilson
   Pte. W. Ions          Pte. H. Worton
   Corpl. V. Jobling

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story