Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Jim Winter


Plaques 1914-18 Welfare Centre





Map ref

NZ 244680

Original Location

Welfare Centre, (Now Gosforth Memorial Welfare Centre) Church Road. In the entrance hall.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

1924. Foundation stone of Welfare Centre laid by Brig. Gen. Sir Joseph Laycock, KCMG, DSO.,

Memorial Description

Plaque 186cm high x 250cm wide. It is comprised of ten engraved plates on a wood base. The frame has a slightly curved top. The top brass panel, which has a wide border of a twisted pattern raised on a black background, bears the dedication, conforms to this shape, and runs horizontally over the top of eight vertical panels which bear the names. The final plate runs horizontally below the middle panels, and carries further names. On the top panel, the lettering is in a mixture of black Gothic and Roman capitals with some red initials. The names are listed in a single column on each of the eight upright panels in Roman capitals. The bottom panel contains further names, possibly added afterwards.

Materials used

Brass panels in wood frame.


To the glory of God / and in memory of / the men of Gosforth who died for their country in the Great War / 1914-1918


Who commissioned

Inhabitants of Gosforth

How money was raised

Public subscription

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Edward H. Thew, Newcastle.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Jim Winter; P. Thirkell

Booklet published by Gosforth Urban District Council, 1953

Research acknowledgements

The late Mrs L. Bailey; Gosforth Local History Society; Philip Thirkell; the late Jim Winter

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaques 1914-18 Welfare Centre (G9.21)

GOSFORTH, Inside Welfare Clinic.
  To the Glory of God
  and in memory of
  the men of Gosforth who died for their Country in the Great War
  Column 1               Column 2            Column 3            Column 4
  Adams, G.S.            Brown, W.           Denton, Geo.W.       Gray, John W.      
  Adie, Geo.C.           Buckley, Cornelius. Detchon, Oswald      Green, J.T.        
  Allan, W.              Bullen, Henry, S.T. Dickinson,Geofy.G.   Hague, Sydney      
  Allen, Robt. C.        Bulman, Gilbert     Dickinson, C.L.      Hall, John McRobb  
  Allison,Wm. Cecil      Burdess, Rev. M.S.  Diericx, Albert W.   Hanson, Rolfe      
  Anderson, P.           Burn, H.            Dixon, G.R.          Harrison, Tom      
  Archbold, J.           Caird, F.C.         Dobson, H.P.         Harrison, Rolfe    
  Arkle, Leslie C.       Cairns, W.          Dobson, Geo.C.       Hartford, R.W.     
  Arkle, John N.         Campbell, Percy     Dockeray, R.         Henderson, J.      
  Armstrong, Harold.     Carr, Henry C.      Dodds, Thos.G.       Hepburn, Samuel    
  Armstrong, E.          Carr, Ed.           Dodds, Jos.          Heron, J.          
  Armstrong, W.          Carruthers, F.      Donald, Thos.        Herron, A.         
  Aungiers, E.W.         Challoner, J.E.     Donnison, Thos.      Herron, Austin     
  Bailes, G.             Chapman, C.A.       Donnison, Wm.        Hetherington, J.T. 
  Bailey, W.             Charlton, J.E.      Earley, J.           Hetherington, Robt.
  Bainbridge, T.G.       Charlton, A.Y.      Edwards, J.H.        Hodgson, Wm.B.B.   
  Balfour, Frank Douglas Clapperton, J.H.    Falconer, R.W.       Hodgson, J.        
  Barnes, David          Clark, G.T.         Feggeter, John H.    Hodgson, W.        
  Beaton, John           Cockburn, R.        Ferguson, R.         Hodgson, Jos.      
  Bell, Robt. D.         Collingwood, Archie Finlay, James        Howe, G.R.         
  Bell, T.E.             Collier, Geo.       Fleck, Geo.E.        Hudson, Thomas J.  
  Bell, M.               Cook, Thos.T.       Fleck, W.G.          Hunter, G.E.       
  Benson, R.             Cousins, Geo.H.T.   Fletcher, James N.   Hunter, Howard T.  
  Blair, Thos.           Cowley, Arthur      Foggin, C.E.         Inganni, Louis     
  Boardman, Ephraim      Crone, Gerald C.    Forster, Thos.F.     Irwin, Thos.R.     
  Bowman, Fred K.        Curran, Francis     Gibson, Chas.T.      Irwin, T.W.        
  Bradley, I.            Curtice, F.R.       Gill, H.             Irwin, Gibson      
  Braithwaite, Richard   Daggett, C.H.       Gilroy, Richard      Jobson, Thos.      
  Braithwaite, N.        Darby, W.E.         Gofton, Jos.W.       Jobson, G.R.       
  Brewis, John A.G.      Davey, James A.     Goodban, John        Jobson, T.         
  Broadhurst, J.         Davidson, Thos.E.   Gover, Leslie        Johnson, Thos.H.   
  Brooks, Geo.Thos.      Day, James T.       Graham, J.           Johnson, Jos.P.    
  Brown, A.              Denard, Jos.        Granger, A.S.        Johnson, John.     
                                             Baskett, H.G.        Hadwin, Thos.Geo.  
                                             Black, Jos.          Ireland, Thos.     
                                             Dobson, Sidney       Moat, J.W.
                                             Gill, A.             Moat, T.M.
  Column 5               Column 6            Column 7            Column 8

  Johnson, A.            McAndrew, James     Reeve, Geo.          Thompson, G.
  Johnston, P.E.         McAvvy, Jos.        Renwick, Jos.W.      Thompson, J.H.
  Johnston, Robt.D.      Milburn, Robt.S.    Richardson, B.       Thompson, John N.
  Johnstone, J.          Miller, Herbert     Richardson, Henry T. Tinling, Geo.
  Jones, H.              Mirley, Thos.       Robinson, Ridley     Tinnion, John
  Kidson, Thos.P.        Mitchell, W.        Robson, Thos.R.      Treble, J.N.
  Kinnafick, J.E.        Moffatt, W.D.       Row, Wm.B.           Urwin, G.R.S.
  Knox, T.W.             Mole, J.            Rushford, Frank      Wadge, J.
  Lamb, J. Wm.           Morgan, Matthew     Rust, Jos.           Wakeham, Wm.
  Lamb, Leonard          Morris, Stanley     Sams, G.W.           Walker, J.
  Lamb, R.               Mosley, H.          Scott, H.            Walton, Albert
  Lattimer, Thos.        Mosley, L.B.        Scott, T.            Walton, Robt.
  Lawson, T.             Murphey, Francis    Scott, W.T.          Walton, Thos.
  Lawton, G.             Murray, Robt.       Seaward, J.          Waters, John
  Leask, James C.        Nevin, John         Shaw, G.             Waters, Terence
  Lemin, R.              Nicholson, L.J.     Shaw, J.G.           Watson, John
  Lennie, J.H.           Nixon, Wm.          Shepherdson, Jos.    Watson, J.E.
  Leslie, John L.        O'Malley, John      Smith, John J.       Watson. P.E.
  Levin, C.N.            Ord, H.             Smith, Sydney        Watson, Wm
  Liegh, Geo.            Orr, David          Smith, W.            Waugh, Thos.H.
  Lodge, Wm.             Patey, A.           Soulsby, John        Weightman, Henry
  Lovell, Denis          Payne, P.O.         Soulsby, Martin      Weightman, N.
  Lynes, A.              Pearson, Geo. C.    Stephenson, J.W.     Wilkin, J.L.
  Mahon, Wm.             Pearson, P.         Stephenson, W.       Williams, Jos.H.
  Mahon, W.J.            Perkins, John       Stephenson, Wm.      Willis, A.
  Mair, J.Gordon         Philipson, G.H.     Stringer, Thos.I.    Wright, Robt.
  Marshall, Geo.E.       Potts, Robt.        Sutherland, G.       Johnson, Herbert
  Marshall, H.A.         Proctor, Wm.R.      Swindle, R.          Morrison, Richard
  Marshall, Chas.        Pullan, J.A.        Tate, A.             Simpson, John G.
  Marshall, James        Pullan, W.S.        Taylor, A.           Richardson, A.
  Marshall, Stanley      Purdy, G.           Telford, T.E.        Robinson, N.Stafford
  Maude, G.W.            Purdey, J.H.        Tetley, John C.      Wallace, H.
  Maughan, Jos.          Raper, J.           Thompson, Arthur     Wakeman
  Pringle, G.
Names  G9.21

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