Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: John Dixon


Panels 1939-45 Falklands Barnard Castle School





Map ref


Original Location

Barnard Castle School, Newgate DL12 8UN. In the Chapel

Which war

a. 1939-45
b. Falklands 1982

Memorial Description


Materials used



1939 - Pro Patria - 1945



1. This is an extension of the panelling for 1914-18 B135.04

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: John and Mavis Dixon; Jim Sewell

External web link

Research acknowledgements

John and Mavis Dixon; Mr. A.R. Farrar, BA, Head of Classics, and Benjamin Wilkins, Year 9 York House; Jim Sewell

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Panels 1939-45 Falklands Barnard Castle School (B135.19)

BARNARD CASTLE      In the Chapel

West side, working from the south end.

   1939 - Pro Patria - 1945
   Panel 1          Panel 2           Panel 3               
   B.C. Alderson    H.E. Bayles       R.W. Berry
   T.A.S. Anderson  G.E. Beadle       J. Brewis
                    A.T. Brunswick
Panel 4             Panel 5           Panel 6

   C.H. Boyd        A.B. Cowling      J.K. Denham
   F. Chatt         D. Deacon         G.W. Dent
   T.B. Cooper      R. Deacon         W.P. Dent
Panel 7             Panel 8           Panel 9   
   D.D. Donkin      G. Freeman        R.A. Hutchinson      
   F.H. Down        D. Holliday       F.D. Jackson         
   D.D. Erskine     R.F. Hardy        J. Holliday            
Panel 10            Panel 11          Panel 12      

   F. Keys          W.Lloyd Evans     G.G. Macauley      
   R.J.A. Kitching  T.R. Logan        E.B. Machell   
   R.F. Kennedy
1939 - Pro Patria – 1945

Panel 13            Panel 14          Panel 15            

   T.H. Marquiss    D.C. Oliver       B.E. Place   
   J.N. Maunder     T. Pennock        P.D.K. Purdon
   P. Mosby         C.D. Pickersgill  J.W. Renwick
Panel 16            Panel 17          Panel 18   

   J.N. Robinson    W.K. Stobbs       A.L. Walker
   T.D. Scorer      S. Taylor         R. Watson   
   E.G. Sheppard    T.H. Vickers      R.E. White   
Panel 19            Panel 20

   V.S. Willis      D.Woodcock
   R.B. Wilson      C.W.Wright
   F.R. Wibberley
Behind choir stalls, west side.

Panel 21
   Falklands War

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story