Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Tony Harding


Plaque 1914-18 Grammar School





Original Location

Grammar School, Green Lane. In reception.

Present Location

This is now Conyers School

Which war


Memorial Description

Plaque with dome at centre top set in a wood frame 45˝ high x 23 inches wide. There is a single line border. In the rounded top is set a brass wreath raised in half relief. Names are listed in three columns painted in sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Stainless steel plaque


In pious memory of / the following pupils of Yarm Grammar School / who died in the service of their country.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. / Names / Requiescant in pace.
The following served in His Majesty’s Forces.


Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photo: Tony Harding

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Tony Harding

Research In Progress

The Yarm 1914 Project is researching the names on this War Memorial Contact:

Plaque 1914-18 Grammar School (Y1.07)

YARM	Grammar School  
   In pious memory of
   the following pupils of Yarm Grammar School
   who died in the service of their Country.
   Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

   B. Bainbridge.    R. Garbutt.      C. Richmond.
   W. Campbell.      B. Goldie.       R.H. Robson.
   E. Chapman.       A. Harries.      L. Ward.
   R. Darling.       A. Harvey.       R. Wilford.
   L. Doughty.       R. Holt.         R. Williams.
   S. Dunning.       H. Johnson.      C. Wrightson.
   J. Fawcett.       S. Little.
   Requiescant in pace.

   The following served in His Majesty’s Forces.

   J.H. Adams.       H. Doughty.      H. Painter.
   R. Adamson.       H.T. Fawcett.    H.B. Ramsay.
   J. Alison.        P.C. Fry.        W.S. Rickatson.
   B. Anderson.      R.G. Fry.        L. Salmon.
   A. Bainbridge.    T.B. Gibson.     N. Selby.
   T. Barthram.      H. Goldsbrough.  T. Sickling.
   C.B. Bradley.     F. Goodall.      E. Skilbeck.
   H.R. Bradley.     A.S. Gordon.     N.G. Smelt.
   S.R. Bradley.     H. Gregson.      A. Snowdon.
   S.G. Bradley.     H. Graves.       N. Snowdon.
   J. Campbell.      C.R. Hay.        B. Smith.
   L. Casebourne.    M. Hills.        H.S. Smith.
   O.J. Casebourne.  R. Hogg.         G. Spencer.
   V.G. Casebourne.  R. Holburn.      E.M. Stafford.
   C. Casebourne.    C.E. Holt.       T. Stockdale.
   R. Close.         R.S. Hunton.     P. Swales.
   P.C. Cowburn.     B.B. Hill.       F. Tebbs.
   F. Cowburn.       W. Ingledew.     W. Tebbs.
   C. Cowen.         R. Innes.        E. Thomas.
   A. Cowen.         J. Jameson.      E. Thompson.
   H. Crabb.         F. Jobling.      W.R. Unthank.
   S. Crispi.        A.D. Kay.        L. Wake.
   W. Curtis.        C. Lawrenson.    B. Walker.
   E. Darnborough.   F.W. Lawrenson.  W.R. Watkin.
   H. Darnborough.   C.S. Little.     C.P. Whiting.
   J.F. Darnborough. D. Little.       G.R. Whiting.
   E. Dobbin.        J. Liverseed.    B. Wilford.
   R. Dobbin.        E.T. Looge.      L. Wilford.
   T. Dobson.        T.G. MacBenn.    S. Wilford.
   B. Dodsworth.     A. Meynell.      J.E. Williamson.
   E. Dodsworth.     F. Milburn.      F.H. Wills.
   H.P. Doughty.     S. Nelson.       W. Wilson.


You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story