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Armstrong, A., A/Smn., 1915
On Skew Bridge Memorial is the name of Tyneside Z/1192 Able Seaman Andrew Armstrong, serving with Hawke Battalion, Royal Naval Reserve who died 31/12/1915.

Margaret Burgess has submitted the following:-

Andrew Armstrong was born 26 March 1888, son of Robert & Mary Ann Armstrong, and husband of Annie, of 15 Downies Buildings, Newbiggin by the Sea. Employed as a plasterer in civil life he enlisted with the Royal Naval Reserve 9th November 1914 and he joined Hawke Battalion 20th February 1915.

On the 31st December 1915 he was accidentally killed, shot dead by Tyneside Z/993 AB Andrew Barker RNVR. He was buried in 2nd Field Ambulance, Orchard Valley by Rev. CWG Moore.

2nd February 1916 - Tyneside Z/993 AB Andrew Barker RNVR, Hawke Bn. did on 31/12/15 let off his rifle accidently through carelessness thereby causing the death of Tyneside Z/1192 AB Armstrong. Sentenced to 28 days Imprisonment with Hard Labour (suspended).

Leading Seaman Barker was later awarded the Military Medal for Gavrelle 23/04/1917.

Andrew Armstrong is remembered at Newbiggin by the Sea on N10.03 N10.06 and N10.14

The CWGC entry for Able Seaman Armstrong

Book of Honour

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk