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Scougal, J., Pte., 1915
On the Hellas Memorial, Gallipoli, is the name of 10806 Private James Scougal serving with 6th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment who died 210/8/1915.

Carole Fife has provided the following:

James Fail Scougal was born in Bedlington in 1892, the second of five children to George and Alice Scougal. His father was a miner and in 1911 the family were living at Bell's Place, Bedlington, but by 1915 they had moved to nearby Old Colliery Row (Pit Row). James joined his father in working at the pit and in 1911 he was a putter. James's legatee was his father, which would indicate that he was not married, and because he served with the 6th East Yorkshire Regiment at Gallipoli we know that he was one of the first men in Bedlington to enlist, in August or September 1914.

He is remembered in Bedlington on B15.02, B15.06 and in B15.26 page 12

The CWGC entry for Private Scougal

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk