Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: J. Brown


Roll of Honour 1914-18 Bedlington Coal Co.





Map ref

NZ 260818

Original Location

St. Cuthbert's Church, in Chapel of Remembrance.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 8th October 1921 by Mr. Loftus Bates, dedicated by the Bishop of Durham.

Memorial Description

Roll of Honour, 12 feet high x 6 feet 9 inches wide, with a curved top. The words "Bedlington Coal Company" are carved in tracery across the top. Beneath this is the dedication, raised in half relief Roman capitals. Across the bottom are "1914 The Great War 1918" also in filigree elaborate lettering attached to the panel. The names are incised in four panels in gilded Roman capitals divided by raised vertical pilasters.

Materials used



In memory of the men employed by the Bedlington Coal Coy. / who fought and fell in the Great War 1914-1918 / the owners place their names here in grateful remembrance.


English Heritage Listing

In Grade II Listed Building

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed by Mr. W.D. Carse, architect, London; oak carving by Messrs. Bowman of Stamford; mason work by Mr. Oliver, Bedlington.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: J. Brown

Shields Daily News 20/09/1921 reports proposed unveiling.

Morpeth Herald 23/09/1921 reports proposed unveiling; 07/10/1921 reports proposed unveiling; 14/10/1921 reports unveiling.

Alnwick & County Gazette 24/09/1921 reports proposed unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 20/09/1921 and 06/10/1921 report proposed unveiling.

Northern Echo 10/09/1921 reports proposal; 20/09/1921 reports proposed unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 08/10/1921 reports proposed unveiling today;

Blyth News 10/10/1921 reports unveiling.

Darlington and Stockton Times North 15/10/1921 reports unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 10/10/1921carries a photo of the people attending the unveiling.

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

The late R.W. Gould; J. Brown; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Roll of Honour 1914-18 Bedlington Coal Co. (B15.06)

BEDLINGTON, St. Cuthbert's Church.
   In memory of the men employed by the Bedlington Coal Coy. 
   who fought and fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918 
   the owners place their names here in grateful remembrance.
   Allan, J.G.     Dunn, J.        Killoran, J.W.   Riddle, J
   Anderson, H.    Dunn, W.        Kinghorn, G.     Ridley, W
   Anderson, W.G.  Eastham, J.     Kinghorn, T.     Rix, R.
   Anderton, G.    Easton, J.W.    Latimer, D.      Robertson, A.
   Andrews, J.     Elliott, D.     Latty, W.G.      Robinson, J.G.
   Andrews, S.     Elliott, G.     Laws, A.         Robinson, S.
   Angus, J.C.     Emery, T.       Laws, G.         Robson, C.
   Angus, W.       Fenwick, C.     Leece, J.T.      Robson, W.
   Armstrong, R.   Ferrier, G.     Legg, R.         Rogers, G.T.
   Armstrong, R.   Ferrier, J.R.   Logan, R.        Rogers, J.H.
   Arries, J.      Fitzimmons, D.  Logan, T.        Rogers, J.
   Auld, J.        Fitzimmons, N.  Logan, W.        Ronaldson, F.
   Bailey, J.      Fitzimmons, W.  Lowes, G.        Routledge, H.R.
   Baker, H.G.     Flockhart, W.   Martin, H.       Russell, A.
   Barnes, J.      Ford, A.        Martin, J.       Rutherford, J.
   Barnett, W.     Frazer, T.W.    Mason, E.        Sanderson, R.
   Batchelor, C.H. Gaffy, G.       Mason, J.        Scott, G.W.
   Batchelor, F.   Gibbon, G.E.    Mavin, A.        Scott, Jas.
   Batchelor, W.F. Gibbon, J.      Maxwell, T.      Scott, John.
   Beverley, G.    Gibson, G.      McCabe, A.       Scougall, J.F.
   Black, I.       Gill, M.        McCabe, W.       Shadforth, J.
   Blomberg, F.    Glenton, T.     McHugh, J.       Shaw, R.
   Blaylock, J.W.  Godsmark, J.    McSherry, J.     Shield, R.W.
   Bolton, W.      Grant, W.       Meins, A.        Short, R.
   Bowman, J.      Gray, G.        Middlemiss, J.   Simpson, W.
   Brown, J.R.     Gray, J.        Middleton, W.    Smith, W.
   Brown, M.       Gray, J.G.      Miller, R.       Smith, W.E.
   Brown, W.       Gray, T.        Miller, T.M.     Southern, W.
   Brown, W.       Green, J.       Millican, M.     Spencer, R.
   Brown, W.       Green, M.F.     Millican, R.     Spraggon, J.W.
   Buglass, R.J.   Green, R.       Millican, T.     Steel, W.
   Burns, A.       Hale, A.        Moffatt, W.      Stephenson, J.M.
   Burrell, W.     Hall, J.        Montgomery, W.   Stewart, B.
   Burton, G.      Hall, W.        Moore, G.W.      Stewart, T.L.
   Bush, C.F.      Hann, J.        Mossman, T.      Stewart, J.
   Campbell, J.    Hannay, T.      Mouter, W.       Stoddart, A.
   Campbell, R.    Hardy, W.       Murphy, M.       Stoddart, W.
   Cape, T.        Hare, A.        Newman, J.       Storey, T.
   Carruthers, R.  Harle, J.       Newman, M.       Summers, G.B.
   Charlton, R.    Harvey, R.J.    Nichol, F.W.     Swinhoe, J.
   Chilton, R.     Hay, G.H.       Nicholson, Jas.  Tait, S.
   Chrisp, W.      Hayles, H.      Nicholson, Jos.  Taylor, A.
   Clark, H.       Hedley, Jas.    Nicholson, R.    Taylor, G.
   Clark, P.M.     Hedley, Jos.    Nicholson, W.    Taylor, J.
   Clark, P.P.     Henderson, A.J. Nixon, J.        Taylor, L.
   Clouston, J.N.  Henderson, F.C. Nordstrom, W.    Ternent, G.
   Cockburn, R.    Henderson, W.   O'Hare, J.       Thane, D.
   Collingwood, G. Hobson, W.      Orkney, A.       Thompson, H.
   Colpitts, T.E.  Holden, E.      Osborne, A.      Tosh, J.
   Combs, W.       Hope, G.        Patterson, D.W.  Tubby, E.
   Coppin, J.      Hudspeth, T.    Pattison, J.     Turnbull, J.
   Cottrell, H.    Hudspeth, T.    Percy, J.        Turner, J.W.
   Cowan, J.       Hunter, W.      Phillips, W.     Waite, W.
   Cowans, T.H.    Hunter, W.      Porter, D.       Walker, C.
   Cram, W.        Hutchinson, W.  Potter, J.D.     Walker, J.
   Crame, G.       Jackson, C.     Price, H.        Walker, W.
   Cramer, C.      James, R.       Pringle, T.      Wallace, C.
   Craze, R.       Jameson, W.     Ramsay, G.W.     Wardle, R.H.
   Craze, W.J.H.   Jefferson, C.   Reay, D.         Weatheritt, H.T.
   Curry, T.       Jefferson, H.   Redpath, C.      Weightman, J.
   Davidson, J.R.  Jefferson, W.   Redpath, F.      Whipps, J.
   Davison, J.H.   Jobson, C.      Reed, J.         White, A.
   Dixon, H.       Johnson, A.     Reed, D.         Wight, G.P.
   Dixon, R.       Johnson, F.     Reed, J.W.       Wolfendale, A.
   Docherty, J.    Johnson, T.     Reid, R.         Wonnicott, J.
   Dodds, R.       Joisce, W.      Reynolds, J.     Wood, W.
   Doyle, T.       Jude, G.        Richardson, D.   Wright, J.T.
   Dunbar, J.      Kelly, W.       Richardson, J.W. Yeowart, J.
   Dunn, G.R.      Lawson, J.J.
   The Great War 1914 – 1918

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