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Burns, J., Pte., 1943

Heslops Local Advertiser 17/04/1948

On the Alamein Memorial is the name of 4465790 Private James Burns, serving with the Durham Light Infantry who died 23/03/1943.

Heslop's Local Advertiser 19/04/1947 reports:

"Burns (10 Blackburn Green Felling, and 4 Taylor Gardens, Pelaw); Pte. James Burns, presumed killed, Mareth Line, on March 23rd, 1943.

The edition for 17/04/1948 reports: "Burns, 10 Blackburn Green, Felling, Pte .James, D.L.I., presumed killed Mareth Line, Mar. 23, 1943."

He is remembered in Windy Nook on W95.01

The CWGC entry for Private Burns

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk