Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Kevin Richardson


Plaque 1914-18 St. Mary





Map ref

NZ 130206

Original Location

Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Front Street

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 12th December 1920 by Lord Barnard, M.C.

Memorial Description

Plaque, 7 feet high x 3 feet wide, gilded and very ornate with crucifix and elaborate tracery at the top. The main plaque is edged by an elaborately carved border. The top of the main panel is divided into two panels 1 foot 8 inches high x 1 foot wide, each bearing the names in a single column.
The lettering is incised and blackened using elaborate capitals. Above and below this, the quotation and the dedication are across the whole panel, the letters raised in elaborate capitals.
Beneath it is “a very fine, heavy oak table, made from oak grown in the district, by Mr. John Dickinson, of Raby”. On it stand two brass flower holders and the Book of Remembrance.

Materials used

Oak and brass.


Their name liveth for evermore.
Giving thanks to God for a great / deliverance, this tablet is erected / to keep alive the memory of the / men from this parish who fell in / the Great War 1914-1919.
God grant them eternal rest.


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

G.H. Richardson


1. Northern Echo states that the memorial was made by Messrs. Bowman of Stamford.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders; John and Mavis Dixon; Kevin Richardson

Darlington and Stockton Times 18/12/1920

Durham County Advertiser 30/11/1922

Northern Echo 13/12/1920 reports unveiling.

Auckland and County Chronicle 28/07/1921 reports permission to hold a flower show in September.

Durham Record Office Photograph D/X 605/81

Sources of quotations :
“Their name liveth for evermore” Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 15;
“God grant them eternal rest” Variation on Mass for the Dead.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; John and Mavis Dixon; Kevin Richardson; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 St. Mary (S133.01)

STAINDROP	St. Mary’s Church


   Their name liveth for evermore.
   Norman Anderson        Robert Oliver
   Archibald Arnison      Frank Pyburn
   Alan Bailey            Frank Robinson
   Sydney Best            Fred Saltmarsh
   Alfred Brown           Thomas Saltmarsh
   Arthur Brown           Fred Scott
   Harry Brown            Edward Shepherd
   William Brown          Thomas Skerrow
   Albert Edward Buckle   William Spence
   James Burrows          David William Storey
   Tom Coates             Harry Stubbings
   James Connell          Charles Swales
   William Dawson         Edward Tarn
   Wilson Denham          Harry Tate	
   Henderson Dent         Harry Thompson
   George Nixon Dent      John Thornton
   Arthur Fawcett         Henry Cecil Vane
   John Bernard Frankton  George Walker
   Charles Mudd           Joseph William Walker
   James Murray           Percy Woolliams
   Giving thanks to God for a great 
   deliverance, this tablet is erected 
   to keep alive the memory of the 
   men from this parish who fell in 
   the Great War 1914-1919.  
   God grant them eternal rest.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story