Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo : Steve Ellwood


Plaque 1939-45 Hunting and Son, 'B' Milburn House





Map ref

NZ 241641

Original Location

Hunting and Son Offices in ‘B’ Milburn House. It was then given to the Trinity Maritime Museum, Newcastle.

Present Location

Blandford Street, Discovery Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NZ 241638.

Which war


Memorial Description

Plaque with gabled top, 3 feet high x 4 wide (912mm x 1.21m) (3 feet 6 inches 1.1m, at apex) Above the plaque is the word “Hunting” in large red letters, and there are flags ranged on either side. On the plaque itself, inside the gable top is the firm’s flag in full colour. Below this is the dedication.
The board is divided into three panels. In the outer panels the names and ranks with nationalities are listed in one column below the name of the ships. In the central wider panel the names are listed in two columns. At centre bottom is a carved panel. All lettering is painted in gold using Roman capitals.

Materials used



1939 Roll of Honour 1945 / In grateful memory of the Merchant Navy Employees of / Hunting & Son Ltd. who gave their lives in the cause of freedom.


Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: J. Brown

Huntings of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Hunting Fleet of Ships Past and Present. 2nd ed., 1961. Published by Hunting & Son, Ltd., Ship owners and Ship Managers, Milburn House, Newcastle upon Tyne 1, in collaboration with the World Ship Society, 10 Romney Avenue, Kendal, and is based on information in the Society’s Central record of Shipping Information.

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

J. Brown; Staff of Trinity Maritime Museum; T. Harding; Colin Douglas; James Pasby

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1939-45 Hunting and Son, 'B' Milburn House (NUT146)

   1939      ROLL OF HONOUR      1945
   In grateful memory of the Merchant Navy Employees of
   Hunting & Son Ltd. who gave their lives in the cause of freedom.
Left panel  

   S.S. “Creofield” 
   C.F. Carlin      Master 
   A.E. Calver      Chief Officer 
   A. Powrie        Second Officer 
   W. Lamberd       Chief Engineer 
   E. Dunville      Second Engineer 
   S. Whitaker      A.B. 
   J.W. Matson      A.B. 
   F.W. Lambert     A.B. 
   J.R. Shave       A.B. 
   W. Hawksfield    Seaman 
   J. Duffy         Cook Steward 
   N. Crosbie       Asst. Steward 
   G.S. Trodd       Seaman Gunner 
   Aron Sayeed      Donkeyman 
   A. Ullah         Fireman 
   Jobed Ali        Fireman 
   Meah Hussain     Fireman 

   M.V. “Tynefield” 
   R. Lazzari       Carpenter 
   D. Beltram       A.B. 
   A. McDonald      A.B. 
   P.C.S. Dunlop    Sailor 
   C. Quinn         Fireman 
   Cherbini         Fireman 
   Ibrahim          Fireman 
   Abdulla          Fireman 

   M.V. “Wellfield” 
   J.E. Smith      Master 
   M. Cameron      Chief Officer 
   E. Lindh        Second Officer 
   J. Cowell       Junr. Officer 
   E. Timlin       Fourth Engineer 
   T. Moodie       Junr. Engineer 
   I. Hall         Pumpman 
   H. Wood         Fireman 
Centre panel 
   M.V. “Oilfield” 
   L.R. Anderson  Master             Cheng For      Quartermaster
   A. Bruce       First Mate         Wong Kam       Quartermaster  
   J.E. Cawthorne Third Mate         Ho Nhan        Sailor 
   R.J. Williams  Radio Operator     Mo Chin        Sailor 
   J. Mullen      Radio Operator     Dai Kai        Sailor 
   L.B. Arkley    Chief Engineer     Kwong Ying     Sailor 
   R. Taylor      Second Engineer    Chan Fao       Sailor 
   J.G. Stevens   Third Engineer     Fon Wo         Sailor 
   F. Swann       Fourth Engineer    Wong Seek      Sailor 
   J. Malloy      Fifth Engineer     Chan Cho       Sailors’ Cook 
   D. Lally       Sixth Engineer     Chu Chay       Sailors’ Boy 
   H. Seaton      Seventh Engineer   Kwok Fook      Donkeyman 
   A. Somerset    Apprentice         You Hing       Storeman
   H.G. Blake     Deck Hand          Chung Ping     No.1 Fireman 
   C. Thomas      Naval Rating       Ho Tung        Pumpman 
   Chinese                           Hui Chong      Fireman
   Lam Sang       Chief Steward      Ou Fou         Fireman
   Yu Pim         Chief Cook         Chan Hung      Firemans’ Cook 
   Wong Fong      M.R. Boy           Low Leu        Fireman 
   Lee Shui       Asst. Steward      Chang Chong    E.R. Boy
   Tsang Pin      Asst. Steward      Seah Mo King   Fireman 
   Chan Man       Asst. Steward      Loo Swee       No.2 Fireman 
   Wong Tam       Bosun              Wong Yu        Second Cook
   Cheng Sui      Carpenter          Li Kwen        Fitter 

   M.V. “Sylvafield”  
   D.J. McDonald  Seaman             W. Deane       Greaser 
Right panel  

   M.V. “Duffield”
   R.E. Tuppin    Second Officer
   G.J. Taphouse  Third Officer
   R. Holmes      2nd Radio Officer
   H. Cowley      Apprentice
   D. Jones       Apprentice
   Chan Poo       2nd Bosun
   Wen Mok        Quartermaster
   Mak Choy       Quartermaster
   Wong Fong      Sailor
   Ho Ping        Sailor
   Yuen Ngau      Sailor
   Chan Len       Sailor
   Yip Wun        Carpenter
   Ho Soud        Sailor Cook
   Lan Cheung     Fitter
   Lam Kwan       1st Fireman
   Chong Shong    3rd Fireman
   Lam Juen       Donkeyman
   Yow Choy       2nd Engine Hand
   Chan Mok       Dayman
   Ho Sang        Fireman
   Chan Sing      Chief Steward
   Wong Kee       Asst. Steward
   Chan Kai       Asst. Steward
   Chan Kuo Ting  2nd Cook
   S.S. “Gretafield”
   C. Campbell    Third Engineer
   B.D. Grieves   Chief Steward
   G.H. Davey     Naval Gunner
   G. Ward        A.B.
   G. Walker      A.B.
   J. Cowie       A.B.
   H. Mackey      A.B.
   D. Sinclair    A.B.
   R.H. Galloway  Greaser
   J. Sanchez     Greaser
   M. McCarthy    Fireman  

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story