Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Ralph Gould


Crucifix 1914-18 St. Cuthbert





Map ref

NZ 261643

Original Location

In the grounds of St. Cuthbert's Church, Melbourne Street, Newcastle, demolished in 1960s.

Present Location

The churchyard of St. Ann’s.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 15th February 1920 by Rev. W.M. Potts, vicar of Bywell and former vicar of St.Cuthbert’s; dedicated by Rev. J.K. Banks (Vicar)

Memorial Description

Crucifix of Celtic wheel type 4m high. It stands on a pedestal which in turn stands on two steps 157cm x 157cm. The sides of the pedestal are carved so that there is a border round a recessed panel. The dedication is at the top of the front panel, followed by the names in two columns, on this and on at least one other face. There are quotations on the risers of the top steps, which are also carved to give them narrow borders. Lettering is incised and painted black, using sans serif capitals throughout, apart from the ones on the risers which are in italic capitals.

Materials used

Portland stone


1914-1918 / To the ever loving memory / of those of St. Cuthbert's parish and Church / who died in the cause of freedom and justice / in the European War.
On front riser :/
Lord all pitying, Jesu blest / Grant them thine eternal rest.
On side riser :/
Father in Thy gracious keeping / leave we now Thy servants sleeping.



£308.5s.0d, exclusive of the expense of laying out the ground and planting it with shrubs.

How money was raised

House to house collections in St.Cuthbert’s Parish and St.Cuthbert’s congregation.

Present condition

The names are fast becoming eroded. Some restoration done 2007.


1. This was the first outdoor memorial unveiled in the City.

2. “Part of the Parish of St. Peter’s was united with All Saints in 1939 and in 1950 the parish was placed in plurality with the neighbouring parish of St.Cuthbert” Church booklet

3. The accompanying list of names may not be accurate in the layout, but we have to congratulate Tony Harding and any helpers in compiling the list we have. The weathering of the names on this memorial has been a source of disappointment for many.

4. Miss Nora Ratcliffe left a note on the back of a postcard stating that Thomas Laws, named on the memorial, was her uncle.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: R.Gould; photocopy of old photos; source unknown

Newcastle Daily Journal 14/02/1920 reports proposed unveiling; 16/02/1920 reports unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 13/02/1920 page 6; 16/02/1920 page 7

St. Cuthbert’s Parish Magazine: September 1914; October 1915; February 1915; March 1915; April 1915.

Northern Echo 16/02/1920 reports unveiling.

North Mail 16/02/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 21/02/1920 reports unveiling.

The Parishes of All Saints and St.Cuthbert Newcastle upon Tyne The British Publishing Company n.d. but post 1952

Diocese of Newcastle Faculty 3490 13/8/1969 allows removal to St. Ann’s Churchyard

Sources of quotations:
“Lord all pitying, Jesu blest . . .” Roman Missal - On the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, All Souls' Day. Translation of Mozart's Requiem.
“Father in Thy gracious keeping . . .” Hymn 325 The Church Hymnary

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Mrs. N. Ratcliffe; P. Thirkell; J. Brown; Rev. Alan Bill; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Crucifix 1914-18 St. Cuthbert (NUT045)

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE St. Cuthbert's Churchyard.
The layout of these names is not known.  
The monument is too decayed to read.

   Rowland Adie          Robert Gray          Albert Mason
   John Armistead        Peter Haley          Ethelbert Mason
   Henry Arthur          Cooper Hall          George Mason
   William Bailey        Joseph Hall          James Mason
   Donald Bell           Thomas Hall          Septimus Miller      
   George Bell           Thomas Hall          Joseph Mitchell      
   Samuel Bird           Phillips Harding     Hugh Murphy          
   Samuel Boustead       William Harris       George Myers         
   Joseph Brason         Andrew Henderson     Thomas Nelson        
   Samuel Brooks         L. Albert Henderson  John Norton          
   James Burlinson       Robert Heron         William Norris       
   Frederick Burton      Charles Hoggins      Robert Pearkes       
   James Burton          John Hudson          Robert Pearson       
   Thomas Burton         George Humble        Harry Richardson     
   Adam Butters          Thomas Johnson       Stephen Rickaby      
   William Cameron       John Knox            George Ridley        
   Richard Carter        Peter Lamb           George Robinson      
   James Chadwick        John Langley         James Robinson       
   Christopher Charlton  John Lant            Thomas Robinson      
   Joseph Chubb          William Lant         Thomas Robinson   
   George Clelland       William J. Lant      Alexander Robson
   John Clelland         David Latimer        William Rudd    
   Michael Coyne         Thomas Laws          Thomas Sisterson  
   James Croney          Thomas Leach         Rupert Skee                
   John Davey            William Lillico      John Smith                 
   Ernest Dawson         James Lowrey         Richard Smith               
   Robert Dolman         Edward McCoy
   John Donald           Thomas McCulloch
   John Donnelly         Harry McDonald         
   George Douglas        Patrick MacDonald   
   James Dryden          William Marshall      
   John Dunbar
   William Elliott
   William Errington
   Robert Farrier   
   Robert Ferrier
   Gilbert Foggin
   Benjamin Forrest
   Samuel Forrest
   Thomas Fox
   Joseph France
   Charles Gaffney
   John Gray


   Joseph Spedding       Charles Waite
   Thomas Spence         Thomas Wallace
   George Spencer        Thomas Wallace
   Robert Spencer        Thomas Walton
   Edward Stephenson     George Watson
   James Stephenson      ?John Whelan
   Thomas Stephenson     Samuel Wilson
   George Stewart        Alexander White
   William ?Stewart      Robert White
   William Sword         John Wilde
   Herbert Taylor        ?Thomas Williams
   John Thackray         James Willis
   Robert Thurston       William Wilson
   Everett Topham        Alexander Wright
   Henry Topham          James Wright
   John Tully            Joseph Wright
   James Turnbull        Robert Young
   Lionel Turnbull   
   Thomas Veitch   
   To which can be added the following, which can be read from a photo:

   William Murthwaite
   John Ormston
The following list of those who served has been extracted from St. Cuthbert’s Parish Magazine:
September 1914; October 1915; February 1915; March 1915 and April 1915.    
The February 1915 list was supposed to be an updated cumulation of September and October 1914,
but three names from September 1914 were missed off.
   Frederick Alder,      Noel Hick,           
   Henry Alder,          Ughtred Hick,        
   James Alder,          Alexander Hills,     
   Herbert Armstrong,    John Horsley,        
   William Ashton,       Thomas Horsley,      
   James Barber,         Henry Hounam,        
   Archibald Bell,       Hugh Hounam,         
   Archibald Bell,       Leslie Hounam,       
   George Bell,          Harold Hudson,       
   Robert Bell,          John Hunter,         
   William Bell,         William Hunter,      
   Samuel Boustead,      William Hutchinson,  
   Charles Bowes,        John Jamieson,       
   George Bowes,         Ernest Jobson,       
   Henry Bowes,          William Jobson,      
   William Burdon,       Robert Joyce,        
   John Burn,            Arthur Kerr,         
   Charles Carr,         David Lakey,         
   George Carr,          Stanley Lambert,     
   Robert Carr,          Hugh Law,            
   Alec Caverhill,       James Leach,         
   Christopher Charlton, Thomas Leach,        
   Edward Charlton,      John Lowrey,         
   Arthur Childe,        Matthew Lowrey,      
   William Corry,        Frank Lynch,         
   William Coulthard,    Thomas Maddison,     
   Robert Cousens,       Thomas Marr,         
   Arthur Crump,         Cuthbert Martin,     
   Sidney Crump,         Hugh Moffatt,        
   William Curry,        John Nelson,         
   James Daggett,        William Palmer,
   John Davey,           James Prynne,
   Robert Dickman,       Alfred Routledge,
   George Dodds,         James Routledge,
   Henry Dorward,        Edward Rowlands,
   Thomas Dowling,       Bert Scott,
   Benjamin Dryden,      Walter Secker,
   John Dryden,          Alfred Signey,
   Tom Elliott,          James Sinclair,
   Thomas Elliott,       John George Sinclair,
   James Falcus,         John Slater,
   George Forrest,       Joseph Smeetham,
   James Forrest,        James Smith,
   Samuel Forrest,       John Spedding,
   Harry Foster,         Chas. Spencer,
   John Fox,             Reginald Stanbrook,
   Robert Fuller,        Thomas Stephenson,
   Frank Gale,           John Stevenson,
   George Gale,          John Stewart,
   William Golightly,    James Studdy,
   Guy Goolden,          Herbert Taylor,
   Charles Gordon,       Lionel Turnbull,
   Henry Graham,         Thomas Veitch,
   John Gray,            Lyle Turnbull*,
   Joseph Gray,          Thomas Walker,
   Robert Gray,          Alec White,
   William Gray,         Thomas Whitehill,
   Joseph Grundy,        Joseph Wright,
   Charles Harper,       Thomas Wright,
   Peter Henderson,      Wm. Wright,
   John Heron,           Alexander Younger
   Robert Heron,         

   * Lyle Turnbull = Lionel Turnbull (?)

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story