Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Northern Echo


Monument 1914-18 Commercial Exchange





Map ref

NZ 252638

Original Location

Newcastle Commercial Exchange., Guildhall, Sandhill (Closed). Set in the old arched opening. Quayside and Commercial memorial

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 10th August 1920 by Duke of Northumberland; dedicated by the Vicar of Newcastle;

Memorial Description

Monument 13 feet high and 4 feet wide with brass plaque bearing the inscription. It is in Classical style: “Rectangular in plan, rising with a slight tapering outline from a stylobate of black Irish marble to a height of about 8 feet, crowned with an entablature, the frieze of which is enriched with boldly modelled laurel garlands carved in stone. Above this principal mass the memorial retains the same plan shape, but is reduced in outline with delicately curved shaping leading to a terminal winged figure in bronze representing Victory”.
Recessed in front of the memorial is a tablet of cast bronze, having inscribed thereon in raised letters the names of those members of the Exchange who fell in the service of their country.
Above the names on the tablet are the words “Their names liveth for evermore”
On one of the fascias of the recess is incised the following inscription: “Dulce et decorum est”.
On one side of the memorial is the dedication.

Materials used

Portland Stone, bronze figure and brass plate. (One report says “lower structure of Hoptonwood stone”)


This memorial was erected in honour of the members of the Exchange who served in the Great War 1914-1918 by Sir Arthur M. Sutherland, K.B.E. Chairman of the Newcastle Exchange.
Above the names: Their name liveth for evermore.
On a fascia in a recess: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Above case containing the Book of Remembrance: Non sibi sed omnibus


How money was raised

Presented by Sir Arthur Sunderland (President)

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Architects Messrs. Mauchlen and Weightman, 2 Collingwood Street, Newcastle; Built by Sculptor:John Reid, A.R.C.A.; Stone carving done by William Curry of Birtley; Bronze work: Wreath held by Victory and case for Book of Honour made by Mr. Rene Bowman of Newcastle. Rest of bronze work done by Messrs. J.W. Singer and Sons of Frome, Somerset. Mason work done by Mr. Robert Beall, High Level Approach, Newcastle.


1. From the membership, 800 members joined up, of whom 133 died.

2. A "Quayside Company" was formed from the Northumbrian Division, which provided 1 Coy for the 16th N.F. and 1 for the 9th N.F. The Division also raised 16th, 18th and 19th Battalions of the New Army.

3. William Curry, stone carver, served as a private with the D.L.I. A mason by trade, he was a student of the sculptor, John Reid at the Department of Sculpture at Armstrong College.

4. See also Book of Remembrance NUT008

5. Alongside the memorial was the King’s Colour of the Newcastle upon Tyne Battalion of the National Reserve, together with the flags and drums of the 16th Battalion of the Northumberland Fusiliers, the first Commercial Battalion to be raised in the war.

6. A sealed bottle containing “certain appropriate documents” was placed in the pedestal beforehand by Sir Arthur Sutherland.

7. Was this monument demolished but the bronze panel kept? See NUT052

8. James Leadbitter Knott –see Every Name a Story

Henry Basil Knott see Every Name a Story

Thomas Garbutt Knott see Every Name a Story

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Alnwick & County Gazette 21/08/1920 reports unveiling "last week".

Newcastle Daily Journal 07/08/1920 reports proposed unveiling next Tuesday with full description.

Tyne and Wear Archives Roll of members who served. DT/NCE/12

Illustrated Chronicle 06/11/1919 carries photo of model of proposed memorial; 09/01/1920 page 11 carries the names; 29/07/1920 reports proposed unveiling; 06/8/1920 reports proposals; 10/08/1920 reports proposed unveiling; 11/08/1920 has photos of the unveiling.

Evening Chronicle 10/08/1920 reports unveiling.

Northern Echo 06/11/1919 carries report of a model of the memorial; 11/08/1920 has photo after unveiling.

North Mail 09/01/1920 describes proposals; 07/08/1920 and 11/08/1920 both report unveiling in great detail

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 08/11/1919 carries description; 12/06/1920 reports placing sealed bottle; 14/08/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 09/01/1920 reports proposed memorial; 09/06/1920 reports placing the time capsule in the pedestal; 29/07/1920 and 06/08/1920 report proposed unveiling on Aug.10th; 07/08/1920 and 10/08/1920 carry more details; 11/08/1920 reports unveiling very fully

Sources of quotations:
“Their name liveth for evermore” Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 44
“Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori” (“It is a sweet and noble thing to die for one’s country”) Horace, Odes Book 3, No.2, 1.13
Non sibi sed omnibus ("Not for himself but for all"): Source not known but used universally.

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

J. Brown; P. Thirkell; Tony Harding; James Pasby; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Monument 1914-18 Commercial Exchange (NUT043)

Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle Commercial Exchange.
The layout of this memorial is not known.   
The following has been taken from a newspaper report
and has not been compared with the original nor a 
good photograph.

    Armstrong, J.H.  Gunner.     Embleton, W.C.  Cpl.      
    Atkinson, F.  Pte.           Edward, H.J.  Pte.        
    Arkle, N.A.  Lt.             Ellison, T.S.  Pte.       
    Allen, A.  Cpl.              Fairlam, J.T.  Pte.       
    Atkinson, G.R.  Pte.         Falconar, R.W.  Lt.       
    Buckle, J.  Pte.             Fraser,O.(MM & bar)L.Cpl.
    Bowman, C.S.  Lt.            Feetham, A.  2nd Lt.      
    Burkley, W.G.  Pte.          Forster, J.G.  Pte.       
    Bell, J.  Pte.               Forster, B.  Pte.         
    Burn, J.C.  Pte.             Gibson, J.  L.Cpl.        
    Brewis, R.W.  Pte.           Gray, J.M.  Pte.          
    Buckham, W.  Sgt.            Golightly, G.F.  2nd Lt.  
    Black, J.A.  2nd Lt.         Goldthorp, S.  L.Cpl.     
    Blake, W.H.  Major           Hodgson, C.W.  Pte.       
    Bowman, E.O.  2nd Lt.        Hodgson, G.  Flt.Comdr.   
    Brunstrom, W. (M.C.) 2nd Lt. Hopkins, C.P.L.  Pte.     
    Bullen, H.S.T.  Lt.          Harvey, W.  Lt.           
    Barclay, H.  2nd Lt.         Hounam,. L.  2nd Lt.      
    Bell, W.M.  Pte.             Henderson, F.  Pte.       
    Bryant, R.E.  Capt.          Hall, W.E.  Cpl.          
    Baston, G.T.  L.Cpl.         Hepsworth, F.E.  Pte.     
    Beisterfield, W.  Pte.       Hogg, L.W.  Pte.          
    Clark, H.  L.Cpl.            Halliday, W.H.  Pte.      
    Carney, C.A.  Pte.           Harbron, R.D.  C.S.M.     
    Coulson, M.  Pte.            Jobling, E.  Capt.        
    Carling, G.M.  Pte.          James, W.L.  Flt.Cadet    
    Cooper, R.R.  Pte.           Jewers, T.  Pte.          
    Corder, A.  Pte.             Jacques, G.H.  2nd Lt.    
    Copeland, J.S.  2nd Lt.      Jones, G.  Sig.Bomb.      
    Dalton, M.  L.Cpl.           Johnson, B.  2nd Lt.      
    Drury, P.B.  Capt.           Joicey, Hon. S.J.D. Capt.
    Dunn, F.O.  Lt.              Jackson, W.  2nd Lt.      
    Davidson, T.E.  Sgt.         Kent, J.M.  Capt.         
    Douglass, E.W.  Pte.         Knott, J.L.  Major        
    Dixon, J.G.  2nd Lt.         Knott, B.  Capt.         
    Darling, A.H.  2nd Lt.       Lamb, J.  Pte.           
    Errington, T.W.  Pte.        Logan, G.B.  Lt.                                             
    Errington, J.  Pte.          Lambert, J.H.  Capt.
    Lamb, G.F.  Pte.             Raynes, R.  2nd Lt.
    Laing, D.C.  Capt.           Richardson, B.  Pte.
    Lauderdale, J.M. 2nd Lt.     Rodriguez, F.L.  L.Cpl.
    Marshall, J.A. Pte.          Robinson, N.S.  Major
    McCabe, J.B.  2nd Lt.        Russell, S.C.  Pte.
    Marshall, G.E.  Pte.         Robley C.C.  Marci. Optr.
    McIntosh, W.  Lt.            Smyth  H.R.  L.Cpl.
    Moorhouse, A.E. 2nd Lt.      Stephens, L.N.  L.Cpl.
    Milligan, J.  L.Cpl.         Skelton, R.  Pte.
    Murphy, P.  2nd Lt.          Stewart, H.  2nd Lt.
    Moffatt, W.D.  L.Cpl.        Sutcliffe, H.R.C.  2nd Lt.
    Maughan, W.D.  2nd Lt.       Steel, R.K.  Lt.
    Marks, L.G.  L.Cpl.          Souter, T.H.  2nd Lt.
    Muir, H.  2nd Lt.            Sanson, H.C.  L.Cpl.
    Marley, W.  Capt.            Stroner, F.C.  Pte.
    Miller, J.C.  2nd Lt.        Stobbs, W.  G.T.C.
    McLean, R.S.  Pte.           Stephenson, J.W.  Pte.
    Mather, A.  Sgt.             Saunders, K.  2nd Lt.
    Mawson, A.J.  Lt.            Sales, E.  Pte.
    Moor, W.  Pte.               Stevenson, W.  Pte.
    Merritt, C.N.  Sgt.          Soulsby, W.  Pte.
    Milne, A.  Lt.               Tully, H.R.  2nd Lt.
    Moore, J.F.  Pte.            Templeton, J.S.  A.B.
    Noble, W.B.  Lt.             Temperley, H.K.  Lt.
    Newton, J.E.  Pte.           Thompson, S.  Lt.
    Ogle, W.S.  Signr.           Thorman, A.M.  Lt.
    Ord, B.P.D.  Pte.            Walmsley, E.  L.Cpl.
    Pippett, T.N.  Pte.          Walker, J.P.  Pte.
    Percy, J.F.  Pte.            Wild, W.W.  Sgt.
    Phillips, J.R.  Pte.         Wilson, H.R.  (M.C.) Capt.
    Potts, W.S.  Pte.            Wilson, T.C.  Sgt.            
    Phillips, N.  Pte.           Waite, A.S.  2nd Lt.
    Penther, L.  Pte.            Watson, A.T.  Major
    Pumphrey, J.L.  Tpr.         Woods H.  Lt.
    Punshon, H.F.  Cpl.          Wells, E.H.  Pte.
    Pearson, J.H.  L.Cpl.        Watson, E.  Pte.
    Pattison, J.B.  Pte.         Yeaman, D.  Lt.     
    Poulton, J.H.  C.S.M.        Young, F.D.  Lt.      
    Pennie A.C.  Pte. 
The preliminary list printed in the Illustrated Chronicle 9/1/1920 
is as follows:

    Pte. F. Atkinson             Lieut. R.W. Falconer        
    Lt. N.A. Arkle               L.Cpl. O. Frazer (M.M.&Bar) 
    Cpl. A. Allen                2nd Lieut. A. Feetham        
    Lieut. C.S. Brown            Pte. J.G. Forster           
    Pte. W.G. Buckley            Pte. J.M. Gray              
    Pte. J. Bell                 2nd Lieut. G.F. Golightly    
    Pte. J.C. Burn               Flt.Commander G. Hodgson    
    Pte. R.W. Brewis             Pte. C.P.L. Hopkins         
    Sgt. W. Buckham              Lieut. W. Harvey            
    2nd Lieut. J.A. Black        2nd Lieut. L. Hounam         
    Major W.H. Black             Pte. F. Henderson           
    2nd Lt. G. Bowman            Cpl. W.E. Hall              
    2nd Lt. W. Brunstorm, M.C.   Pte. F.A. Hepworth          
    2nd Lieut. H.S.T. Bullen     Capt. E. Jobling            
    2nd Lieut. H. Barclay        F-Cadet W.L. James          
    Pte. W.M. Bell               Pte. T. Jewers              
    Capt. Bryant, R.E.           2nd Lieut. G.H. Jacques      
    L.Cpl. H. Clark              Sig. Bomb. G. Jones         
    Pte. C.A. Carney             2nd Lieut. B. Johnson        
    Pte. M. Coulson              Capt. Hon. S.S.D. Joicey    
    Pte. H.A. Carney             Capt. J.M. Kent             
    Pte. R.R. Cooper             Major J.L. Knott            
    Capt. P.B. Drury             Capt. B. Knott              
    Lieut. F.O. Dunn             Lieut. J.H. Lambert         
    Sgt. T.E. Davidson           Pte. C.F. Lamb              
    Pte. T.W. Errington          Capt. D.O. Laing            
    Pte. J. Errington            2nd Lieut. J.M. Lauderdale   
    L.Cpl. W.E. Embleton
    Pte. G.E. Marshall           L.Cpl. F. Rodignez
    Pte. J. Mulligan             Major N.S. Robinson
    Lieut. W. McIntosh           Pte. S.C. Russell
    2nd Lieut. A.E. Moorhouse    Marconi Operator C. Robley
    2nd Lieut. P. Murphy         Pte. R. Skelton
    L.Cpl. W.D. Moffatt          2nd Lieut. H. Stewart
    2nd Lieut. W.D. Maughan      2nd Lieut. H.R.C. Sutcliffe
    L.Cpl. L.G. Marks            Lieut. R.K. Steed
    2nd Lieut. H. Muir           2nd Lieut. T.H. Souter
    Capt. W. Marley              L-Cpl. H.C. Samson
    2nd Lieut. J.C. Miller       Pte. P.C. Stroper
    Pte. R.S. McLean             O.T.C.  W. Stobbs
    Sgt. A. Mather               Lieut. H. Sutcliffe
    Lieut. A.J. Mawson           2nd Lieut. A.N. Thorman
    Lieut. W.B. Noble            2nd Lieut. H.R. Tully
    Pte. J.E. Newton             A.B.  J.S. Templeton
    Signlr. W.S. Ogle            Lieut. H.T. Temperley
    Pte. B.P.D. Ord              L.Cpl. E. Walmsley
    Pte. M. Phillipps            Pte. J.P. Walker
    Pte. W.S. Potts              Sgt. W.W. Wild    
    Trooper J.L. Pumphrey        Capt. H.R. Wilson, M.C.
    Cpl. H.F. Punshon            Sgt. T.C. Wilson
    L.Cpl J.H. Pearson           2nd Lieut. A.S. Waite
    Pte. J.B. Pattison           Major A.T. Watson
    Act.Co.Sgt.Maj. J.H. Pulton  H. Woods
    2nd Lieut. R. Raynes         Pte. E.H. Wells
    Pte. P. Richardson           Lieut. F.D. Young
The North Mail list has variations, including sequence of names:
    Pte. F. Armstrong instead of Pte. F. Atkinson
    Pte. W. Basterfield instead of Beisterfield.
    Lt. F.C. Dunn instead of F.O. Dunn
    Lance-Cpl. W.C. Embleton instead of Cpl. W.C. Embleton
    Lieut. R.W. Falconer instead of Falconar.
    Pte. G.W. Hodgson instead of C.W. Hodgson
    Pte. C.P. Hopkins instead of C.P.L. Hoskins
    Pte. F.A. Hepworth instead of Hepsworth.
    Lce.Cpl. G.E. Lamb instead of Pte. G.F. Lamb
    Capt. D.O. Laing instead of Capt. D.C. Laing
    C.S.M. J.H. Pulton instead of Poulton
    L.Cpl. F. Rodriguez instead of F.L. Rodriguez
    Pte. F.C. Stropper instead of F.C. Stroner
    O.T.C. W. Stobbs instead of G.T.C.  W. Stobss.
    Pte. E. ?Safles instead of Sales   

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story