Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Tony Harding


Plaque 1914-18 Bainbridge Wesleyan Methodist





Map ref

NZ 270649

Original Location

Cuthbert Bainbridge Methodist Church, Heaton Road. (demolished)

Present Location

In storage at St Cuthberts

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 10th October 1920 by Col. Sir Thomas Oliver.

Memorial Description

Plaque mounted in plain dark wood frame. Around the edge is a narrow border of leaves, with a small circle containing a Maltese cross. At the centre top are the crossed flags of St.George and the Union flag between the dates, and those flags are red where relevant. The names are in four columns. The lettering is in Roman capitals for the dedication and sans serif capitals for the names.

Materials used



The following connected with this / Church and Sunday School / responded to the call of King and Country / and joined His Majesty's Forces in the / Great War.


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Edward H. Thew, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Tony Harding; Philip Thirkell; Arthur Dixon; Alan Dodsworth

Newcastle Daily Journal 28/02/1920 reports decision to erect memorial

Illustrated Chronicle 11/10/1920 reports unveiling.

North Mail 11/10/1920 reports unveiling.

Northern Echo 09/10/1920 reports unveiling tomorrow.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 09/10/1920 reports proposed unveiling; 16/10/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 09/10/1920 reports unveiling tomorrow; 11/10/1920 reports unveiling

Links to Source Material :

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

Philip Thirkell; J. Brown; Tony Harding; Arthur Dixon; Joan Jobling; Dorothy Hall; Heaton Local History Society; Alan Dodsworth

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 Bainbridge Wesleyan Methodist (H91.10)

HEATON, Cuthbert Bainbridge Memorial Methodist Church
    1914   1919

    The following connected with this
    Church and Sunday School
    responded to the call of King and Country
    and joined His Majesty's Forces in the
    Great War
    Aldridge, Sam.     Fotherby, H.S.     Layton, Richmond  Peacock, John
    Anderson, J.E.     Fotherby R.S.      Le Lacheur, L.E.  Petrie, Albert
    Bailes, Arthur     Frankland, J.      Lilburn, Percy    Pugh, Thos. H.
    Baker, Edmund      Frankland, W.      Lindsay, Geo. E.  Rainbow, Stan.
    Baker, Jno. Chas.  Gardner Alex.      Lindsay, Percy    Redpath, Geo.
    Barkas, J.Chas. P. Gardner, A.Y.      Locke, Thomas     Reed, Arthur
    Barkas, Leslie T.  Gardner, Robt.     Lockey, George    Reed, Gainsford
    Barker, Will       Gateshill, Victor  Lumley, Will      Reed, Thos. G.
    Baxter, Ralph      Goodfellow, W.     Mackintosh, P.    Robson, Alf.
    Bell, Albert       Graham, Ernest     Marshall, T.H.    Robson, Edw.
    Bell, Arthur       Graham, G.W.       Martin, John      Robson, M.R.
    Bell, Fred.        Graham, Leslie     Martin, Harry     Rodger, N.G.
    Bell, Percy        Grant, C.B.        Mason, Harry      Sandells, Ern.
    Bell, R.A.         Gustard, Norman    McClen, Victor    Searle, Donald
    Bound, Herbert     Hall, Henry        Moffatt, John     Short, Fenwick
    Boyd, Robert       Hamilton, W.       Moffett, Stan     Short, George 
    Bradley, George    Hamlett, Will.     Moffit, J.S.      Shuker, Frank
    Bramwell, F.M.     Harrison, G.R.     Mole, William     Shuker, Percy
    Buglass, George    Harrison, P.       Moore, Fred. J.   Simpson, W.
    Burn, John         Hastewell, J.H.    Moore, Jas.F.     Smith, Jepthah
    Cavan, G.H.        Henry, Freeman     Mordue, E.        Smith, Joseph
    Clegg, Wm. Chas.   Henry, Hugh        Morray, Alb.      Smith, Sam. E.
    Cockbain, W.E.     Henry, Walter      Morray, John      Smith, Thos.H.
    Cockburn, L.       Herbertson, W.     Morris, E.W.      Smith, Wesley
    Coe, Joseph        Hetherington, H.   Mullett, F.G.     Smith, W.G.
    Coe, Robert        Hetherington, J.   Murray, Arn.      Stoeger, D.
    Coe, Uttrick       Hind, Stanley      Murray, Arth.     Teago, Chas.D.
    Cook, Harry        Hodgson, Frank     Murray, Arth.E.   Teago, Edw.B.
    Coxon, William     Hodgson, H.R.      Murray, James     Turner, Eric
    Craig, Ernest      Howey, Henry       Murray, John      Turner, Roy
    Craig, William     Hudspeth, A.       Nelson, Arthur    Tyler, Sydney
    Crone, Robert      Hunter, J.W.       Nelson, Fred      Urquhar,(sic) J.W.
    Cummings H.E.      Hunter, S.R.       Nevin, R.W.       Veitch J.H.
    Cummings, H.T.     Hunter, V.G.       Nicholson, H.S.   Veitch, L.D.
    Cummings, W.W.     Hutchinson, W.     Noble, Mark       Walker, Geo.
    Cunnell, Fred.     Kidd, Robert       Ormston, E.G.     Walton, Thos.
    Curry, J.G.        Kilner, Norman     Ormston, J.A.     Warren. A.
    Davis, Edward      Knox, Arthur, V.   Ormston, N.       Warren, Thos.
    Dean, Walter       Knox, Stanley      Ormston, Stan.    Watson, Edw.
    Dowsland, A.       Lambert, John E.   Ormston, Wm.      Watson, Frank
    Ellwood, J.H.      Large, Edward      Parkin, Alfred    White, Joseph
    Fawcett, Joseph    Large, Robert      Parkinson, E.F.   Wilson, Edward
    Feather, Geo.W.    Lawson, C.H.       Parkinson, H.O.   Worthington, R.H.
    Featherstone, C.   Lawson, Wesley     Patterson, G.D.   Young, James
    Foster, Joseph     Lawson, William    Peacock, Frank.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story