Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Pews and Triptych 1939-45 St. Mary





Map ref

NZ 442401

Original Location

St. Mary’s Church, Blackhill Terrace. On the west wall, to the left of the main door.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled November 1948 by Anne Reay, aged 9; dedicated by Rev. W.H. Walton, Vicar.
More pews were dedicated by Bishop of Durham, Rt. Rev. J.A. Ramsbotham in May 1950.

Memorial Description

Triptych with curved top. On the front of the doors is a ?bronze ornamental cross with Celtic design. The central inner panel has a foliated cross at centre top, and the names are carved in three columns below. On the inner left door is an angel of medieval design carved in half relief. On the right hand door is carved the dedication. All lettering is incised using sans serif capitals.
Underneath is a small metal plaque which give the details of the dedication.

Materials used

Polished oak


The pews / in this / church / were / installed / in memory / of those / who laid / down their / lives in / the world / war / 1939-1945


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Mr. Nicholson, wood carver of Darlington.


1. Anne Reay was the daughter of the late Thomas Reay, R.S.F.V.R., who was killed in Malta in January 1941.

2. Only a few hours before the ceremony, the woodcarver was asked to come and cut two more names.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos of plaque: Simon Raine; Dorothy Hall

Durham Chronicle and Seaham Weekly News 19/11/1948 reports unveiling.

Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail 26/05/1950 reports proposed dedication of further pews.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Pews and Triptych 1939-45 St. Mary (H130.04)

Inner right hand door

   The pews
   in this
   in memory
   of those
   who laid
   down their
   lives in
   the world
Centre inner panel  

   Ashcroft, T.      Harkess, R.W.      Rodham, R.H.F.    
   Armstrong, C.S.   Henderson, W.      Rooney, J.E.      
   Austin, F.        Hind, W.R.         Rose, W.E.        
   Bellingham, J.    Hughes, A.L.       Rowntree, J.C.    
   Booth, H.         Humphries, H.      Ruane, C.         
   Brennan, M.       Jones, J.          Ruddick, M.       
   Brookes, C.J.     Jones, J.E.        Sanderson, C.     
   Brown, E.         Kinsley, J.        Scott, W.         
   Brown, T.D.       Lawton, W.         Siddell, J.E.     
   Brown, W.         Leaver, F.J.       Simms, R.R.       
   Bruce, N.         Lewins, S.         Simpson, T.J.     
   Burns, J.         Little, A.P.       Spinks, H.        
   Cairns, T.E.      Maudling, M.       Stockley, E.      
   Carr, T.E.        McDowell, E.       Stoves, E.M.
   Caselaw, J.E.     McGurk, J.         Sumpton, H.
   Close, J.R.       McQuillan, F.A.    Teasdale, J.R.
   Coulton, A.       McQuillan, V.      Thompson, W.
   Coulthard, B.     Middleton, W.      Thornton, G.S.
   Dowson, W.G.      Mills, J.          Timney, T.C.
   Dunn, G.W.        Moyle, W.          Todd, T.
   Dunn, A.          Oliver, H.         Turnbull, F.
   Edwards, J.       Oliver, J.C.       Tyler, J.V.
   Elliott, A.E.     Oliver, J.R.       Unsworth, N.
   Emery, A.         Pond, R.           Varley, E.
   Everett, R.       Preece, C.         Vest, A.
   Firth, E.M.       Purvis, R.T.       Watson, A.
   Fort, R.          Ramsay, T.W.       White, J.L.
   Francis, H.       Raynor, A.         Wiffen, E.
   French, C.        Reay, T.           Wilding, H.
   Gibson, J.R.      Reynolds, H.       Wilding, Irene.
   Graham, J.A.      Richards, J.S.     Wilkinson, G.W.
   Graham, J.H.      Richards, Mary H.  Williams, A.
   Gray, C.A.        Richardson, H.     Williams, C.W.
   Gray, J.          Richardson, Ivy G. Wright, C.W.
   Hales, C.         Richardson, J.W.   Ashworth, J.H.
   Hallett, J.       Robinson, H.       Middleton, J.
   Harbron, N.       Robson, J.         Cessford, E.W.
                                        Davonport, G.A.
On plaque below:

   The pews in this church
   were dedicated by the
   Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Jarrow
   on Tuesday of Whitsun Week 1950.
                  W.H. Walton   Priest-vicar
                  Dr. W.S. Dixon)
                  J. Craggs Esq.) Churchwardens

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story