Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Tony Harding


Panels 1914-18 St. James





Map ref

NZ 217640

Original Location

St. James' Church, In the Baptistry.

Present Location

In St. James' Church Benwell Lane / Atkinson Road, NE15 6RR.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 20th July 1921 by Lt. Col. R. Stephenson, C.B.E., D.S.O.; dedicated by the Bishop of Newcastle.

Memorial Description

Panels all round the sanctuary. The dedication is in Gothic lettering all round the top., each letter carved and fixed to the panels. Each panel bears a cross at the top underneath which is a list of names in a single column. All lettering is incised and gilded using sans serif capitals throughout.

Materials used



To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of those from this Parish who for their country, their homes and for us laid down their lives in the Great War.


Present condition

Some of the Gothic lettering bearing the dedication has dropped off.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed by Hicks and Charlwood; made by Messrs. Brown and Sons.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Tony Harding; Kevin Milburn

Shields Daily News 21/07/1921 short press release on the unveiling ceremony.

Illustrated Chronicle 21/07/1921 reports unveiling.

Diocese of Newcastle Faculty Book 1, No. 707, 04/11/1920, NRO 1875.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 21/07/1921 reports unveiling.

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Sally Bird; the late R.W. Gould; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall; Kevin Milburn

Research In Progress

The names on this memorial are being researched by St.James Heritage and Environment group.

Panels 1914-18 St. James (B86.02)

BENWELL   St. James' Church
  To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of those from this Parish who for their country, their homes and
  for us laid down their lives in the Great War. 
  Panel 1            Panel 2             Panel 3             Panel 4

  Adams, E           Cameron, J.S.       Elliott, J          Hedley, W.H.
  Affleck, T.        Carr, L.            Elliott, J.T.       Henderson, J.T.
  Aitken, W.         Carr, R.            Fairless, W.        Henderson, R.
  Alexander, R.N.    Carruthers, R.      Firth, E.           Henderson, T.
  Armstrong, E.      Cato, W.            Flint, H.           Henzell, E.C.
  Armstrong, J.      Cave, G.            Foggan, P.          Hetherington, M.L.
  Armstrong, J.W.    Chaplow, T.         Forrest, B.         Hind, R.
  Armstrong, P.T.    Charlton, P.        France, W.          Hind, R.
  Armstrong, W.      Charlton, N.S.      Frizzell, G.W.      Hindley, W.
  Askwith, J.S.      Charlton, R.H.      Fuller, R.          Hindmarsh, J.
  Atkinson, T.       Charlton, S.S.      Garside, J.         Hobson, A.E.
  Barber, G.E.       Clayton, W.         Gibb, G.            Hodgson, C.B.
  Barnes, W.         Cole, T.            Gibb, J.W.          Hogg, G.
  Barnfather, E.J.   Collingwood, W.     Gibson, J.          Hogg, N.
  Barton, W.         Colston, A.         Gibson, T.W.        Hopwood, W.
  Batey, G.C.        Common, H.P.        Gillespie, J.W.     Horner, A.L.
  Batey, J.H.        Connolly, F.        Glancey, C.L.       Horton, J.
  Baxter, J.         Convery, A.         Glover, W.          Hudson, E.
  Beattie, T.        Convery, T.         Gordon, T.A.        Hugall, T.B.
  Bell, C.R.         Coxon, J.W.         Graham, A.          Hughes, H.
  Bell, J.           Craig, A.           Graham, C.          Hughes, R.
  Benn, S.           Crodden, A.J.       Graham, J.          Hughes, W.T.
  Bewick, A.S.       Cross, A.R.         Graham, J.T.        Humble, J.L.
  Bilcliff, J.       Croudace, J.        Graham, K.          Hunter, A.
  Burrell, T.J.      Cummings, G.W.      Graham, R.          Hunter, J.J.
  Black, N.S.        Curry, W.M.         Grant, A.           Hunter, J.C.
  Bone, W.           Curson, R.W.        Gray, I.            Hunter, R.E.
  Brankston, A.      Curtis, J.H.        Gray, J.T.          Hurst, J.
  Brewer, W.         Cutler, W.F.        Gray, M.H.          Husband, E.V.
  Brewis, J.G.       Dalgleish, G.       Gray, J.T.          Hutchinson, J.
  Briggs, G.E.       Davies, H.          Grisdale, E.T.      Inglis, J.
  Briggs, R.         Davidson, C.H.      Guthrie, H.         Jackson, E.
  Briscoe, S.        Dawson, H.          Hadden, E.C.        Jamieson, D.
  Broad, T.          De Pelsenaire, N.R. Hall, G.M.          Jones, B.T.
  Brown, J.J.        Devlin, J.L.        Hall, J.R.          Joyce, J.
  Brown, J.T.        Dickenson, R.       Hall, P.            King, A.
  Bruce, J.S.        Diment, T.L.        Hall, T.            Kipling, A.E.
  Brutnell, F.       Dodd, G.            Hanton, J.W.        Kirkpatrick, S.
  Buchan, W.         Doick, J.J.         Harrison, A.        Kirtley, J.T.
  Buckham, A.        Donelly, J.         Harrison, J.        Holmes, G.
  Budge, R.          Donelly, R.H.       Harrison, J.W.      Makin, A.
  Budge, W.          Douglass, J.W.      Harrison, R.        McLauchlin, G.O.
  Bull, T.T.         Drinkrow, W.F.      Havelock, S.
  Bulman, T.         Drummond, W.J.      Haveron, A.
  Burdon, J.         Dunbar, T.          Hayton, M.H.
  Burke, E.          Dunlavey, F.        Hedley, E.
  Panel 5            Panel 6             Panel 7             Panel 8

  Kolbe, D.W.        Mole, J.W.          Renwick, R.S.       Stewart, V.F.
  Lacey, G.W.        Monaghan, J.        Renwick, T.         Stirzaker, C.M.
  Lakey, A.          Mooney, J.          Revell, E.          Strong, R.W.
  Lakey, J.          Moore, B.           Richards, J.        Stuart, J.
  Lakey, W.          Moore, J.           Richardson, J.      Tait, A.
  Lamb, G.W.         Moore, T.           Richardson, S.      Tait, R.
  Lamb, J.W.         Mortimer, S.P.      Riddell, W.         Taylor, A.E.
  Lancaster, J.A.    Mossman, A.         Ridley, J.          Taylor, G.H.
  Lee, T.            Mossman, W.F.       Ridout, G.A.E.      Taylor, W.R.
  Lee, W.            Mulgrew, J.         Robinson, E. Sister Teesdale, G.
  Lee, W.            Mulgrew, F.W.       Robinson, O.        Thirlwell, T.A.
  Leitton, G.W.H.    Munro, J.           Robson, G.W.        Thoburn, H.
  Lewis, A.          Musgrave, W.        Robson, J.T.        Thompson, G.
  Liddell, T.J.      Nairn, W.H.         Robson, J.W.        Thompson, H.
  Linton, F.         Nelson, R.W.        Robson, W.G.        Thompson, W.I.
  Little, A.         Nesbit, A.          Rose, J.A.          Thornton, C.J.
  Little, C.         Nesbitt, I.R.W.     Ruddick, W.G.       Todd, E.
  Lyons, E.          Newton, T.          Russell, R.         Turnbull, R.M.
  Lyons, J.          Noble, J.W.         Sadler, A.          Turnbull, T.
  Macdonald, J.A.    Northey, S.J.       Scorer, A.          Tweddell, G.
  MacKenzie, D.A.    Ogle, W.S.          Scorer, A.G.        Tweddle, J.H.
  Martin, A.P.       Oliver, A.S.        Scott, A.J.         Vusthoff, G.
  Mason, N.          O’Neill, J.H.       Shanks, R.H.        Waite, F?
  Mason, V.          Ord, J.             Sharp, N.C.         Wallace, H.
  Maude, E.A.        Parker, W.F.        Shavel, F.          Walton, T.C.
  Maude, G.W.        Parnell, J.W.       Shield, N           Watson, A.
  Maude, J.B.        Pattison, J.B.      Shield, P.S.        Watson, F.
  Maughan, W.F.      Peacock, E.         Shield, W.          Watson, J.
  McAleer, J.        Peart, J.R.G.       Simpson, W.         Waugh, G.
  McDougal, R.H.     Peel, R.            Slee, J.J.          Wells, L.
  McGuire, H.        Pennie, A.          Slight, J.          While, A.D.
  McKenna, W.        Pennie, W.          Sloan, W.J.         Whipp, R.
  McPhee, D.A.       Percival, R.H.      Smith, J.           Whiting, J.
  Messer, T.         Percy, W.           Smith, R.           Wilkinson, J.
  Metcalfe, C.       Potts, J.W.         Smith, W.D.         Wilkinson, J.W.
  Middlemiss, E.     Potts, W.           Snowdon, J.         Wilkinson, R.H.
  Millar, W.         Pouncey, W.         Snowdon, S.         Willis, J.W.
  Millican, W.       Pringle, G.W.       Soulsby, H.O.       Willis, S.
  Moffat, S.S.       Proud, S.           Soulsby, H.S.       Wilson, C.
  Riccalton, R.A.    Purkins, J.         Sparrow, J.         Wilson, T.
  Smiles, C.B.       Rawson, G.A.        Spencer, J.         Wilson, T.H.
                     Read, G.P.          Spottiswood, J.     Winship, J.
                     Read, M.            Stanger, J.         Winter, W.
                     Redpath, A.         Steel, W.H.         Wood, G.D.
                     Reed, A.            Stephens, J.        Young, J.
                     Reed, J.            Stewart, S.S.       Young, A.E.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story