Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Cenotaph 1939-45 I.C.I.





Map ref

NZ 456227

Original Location

Outside Chilton House, the ICI headquarters,
in Chilton Avenue, Billingham (closed).

Present Location

Memorial Park. Between Station Road and A1027 (Bypass road), south of the junction with Central Avenue, about three quarters of a mile from St. Cuthbert’s church.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 3rd July 1949 by Lord McGowan, chairman of ICI; dedicated by Rev. W.M. Wykes, Rector of Sedgefield.
Rededicated Armistice Day, November 10th 1996.

Memorial Description

Cenotaph, 14 feet high in Art Nouveau style. At centre top is the ICI logo with swags down either side carved in half relief. It stands on a pedestal 2 feet high x 5 feet 6 inches wide x 4 feet 7 inches deep on shallow wide steps. The dates are carved into the stone above the bronze plaque which bears the dedication.
There are bronze plaques on the front and back 3 feet high x 3 feet 3 inches wide, and two more plaques on each side, each 3 feet high x 2 feet 4 inches wide.
On the back is incised the name “Billingham”. Below this is a plaque on which the names are listed in three columns. On the side plaques the names are listed in two columns. The columns are divided by raised stems of leaves. Lettering is in raised Roman capitals.

Materials used

Portland stone on granite base.


1939 1945 / Imperial Chemical Industries /Limited / To the proud memory / of the employees of Billingham / who lost their lives /in the Second World War.


Present condition

Restored 1996

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Panels: Gilbert Bayes, warden of the Guild of Memorial Craftsmen.


1. The monument was dismantled into three segments. The proposal was to re-site it in the Memorial Park on Station Road.

2. The removal cost £8,000 and was necessary because of vandalism.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Simon Raine; C. Sanders; Dorothy Hall

ICI Magazine Sept. 1949 reports unveiling.

North-Eastern Weekly News 08/07/1949 briefly reports unveiling.

North East Gazette 04/07/1949 reports unveiling.

Northern Echo 11/09/1996 reports proposed removal with picture.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; R. Henderson; Paul Dunnill; Yorkshire Regiment Remembrance; Tony Harding

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Cenotaph 1939-45 I.C.I. (B139.01)

   1939 1945 
   Imperial Chemical Industries 
   To the proud memory 
   of the employees of Billingham 
   who lost their lives 
   in the Second World War 
Right plaque                   
   Adam J.R.            Chirnside J.W.   
   Agnew P.             Clewes H.        
   Alexandra G.P.       Cockcroft A.N.   
   Allan J.H.           Cogan G.         
   Allenby J.G.         Coleman A.W.     
   Appleby J.R.         Collins T.        
   Askey G.             Cook R.          
   Barker E.B.          Cooper T.B.      
   Barker H.V.          Cooper W.        
   Barker J.            Corbett N.       
   Barry W.             Corbyn E.        
   Barwick J.W.         Corey J.P.       
   Beasley A.           Coupe H.         
   Bell J.E.            Coverdale W.     
   Bennett J.           Craggs T.        
   Boddy D.             Crinnion H.      
   Bough J.R.           Crowe J.W.       
   Bowyer F.L.L.        Curry W.         
   Brennan P.J.         Darby W.H.       
   Brown J.D.           Dawson L. Miss   
   Brown J.T.           Devlin G.J.     
   Burlison J.W.        Dixon J.S.       
   Burns G.             Dixon T.A.       
   Burrell R.           Dobson C.        
   Cannon A.G.          Dowd J.          
   Chambers W.          Dowles S.J.      
   Chapman J.           Dowling J.       
   Chesser J.           Dowson J.W.
Back plaque                       
   Duff W.              Harding J.         Lumley G.E.             
   Dunford W.A.         Harding W.E.       McCoy J.                
   Dyer H.              Hardisty J.E.      McIntyre R.             
   Eaton C.H.           Harrison J.A.      McIntyre S.             
   Ellerton C.          Hay E.A.M.         McKenzie J.E.           
   Evans D.L.           Haynes N.          MacLean D.              
   Fellows A.E.         Helyer L.W.        McLean P.J.G.           
   Finlayson F.K.       Hemshall J.E.      Malone J.               
   Fisher D.            Hendry M.          Mason J.W.              
   Flanigan A.          Heslop H.B.        Matthews G.             
   Fleming J.           Heydon G.          Meek A.                 
   Forsyth J.J.         Hobbs W.L.         Mitchell E.R.           
   Galloway-Wilson B.G. Holland H.F.       Mitchell J.             
   Ganner J.B.          Horton G.          Moore A.B.              
   Gavin L.             Hume T.            Moore F.                
   Gleave H.            Irving W.          Morgan P.               
   Goldsbrough J.H.     Jackson F.H.       Morrison W.             
   Gormley F.           Jackson W.H.       Morton A.               
   Gormley R.M.         Jelley C.          Murphy H.               
   Grieves D.           Kelly E.R.         Musson C.R.             
   Griffiths C.W.       Kerr L.            Nicholson J.R.          
   Hagan F.             Kilgallon J.       Oliver D.C.             
   Hall J.              Lamb C.            Oliver J.               
   Hall R.              Lamb G.D.          Oliver J.D.             
   Halliday R.          Laverick A.        Oxley A.                
   Hamilton T.          Laythorpe T.       Patterson D.G.          
   Hannaford R.L.       Learoyd R.J.D.     Pitt W.                 
   Elsy A.E.            Littler C.         Morgan J.               
   Hancock A.                              Sidgwick C.T.           
   McLean T.                               Wharton J.              
Left plaque
   Plant A.E.            Stones S.F. 
   Plant D.              Stubbs R.P.
   Preston C.            Taylerson W.L.
   Price G.S.            Taylor G.T.L.
   Reavley A.E.          Taylor L.E.
   Reid J.               Thompson G.G.
   Richardson J.H.       Thompson J.
   Richardson R.A.       Vetters S.H.
   Richardson R.W.       Waller N.
   Ridsdale T.W.         Walsh M.H.
   Rigg J.D.             Walton J.
   Roberts F.D.          Waterland F.
   Robinson G.W.         Watkins E.
   Robinson J.           Watson T.S.
   Rooke T.              Webster D.M. Miss
   Scott M.J.            Weddle G.
   Scully P.             Whittingham C.
   Shearer J.A.          Widdowfield J.
   Sigsworth J.W.        Wilcox J.R.
   Smith A.              Willoughby C.H.
   Smith C.              Wilson G.H.
   Smith F.W.            Wilson J.
   Smith R.W.            Wilson R.A.  
   Smithson J.           Wilson T. 
   Southgate J.W.        Wood J.  
   Spears J.S.           Wood N.   
   Stamp J.H.            Woodgate T.H. 
   Stephenson J.D.       Woodhall J. 
                Wright R.E.             
NamesB139 01    

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