Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: James Pasby


Photos 1914-18 Roman Catholic Institute





Map ref

NZ 307566

Original Location

Roman Catholic Institute. Station Road. Washington.

Which war


Memorial Description

Photographs in a wood frame 21 inches high x 29 inches wide (533mm x 736mm ) behind glass. The photographs are mounted behind thick card which has oval shaped frames cut into it. Details of the person, apparently printed on paper, are mounted underneath each photograph, which is a copy, not the original photos.
A numbered diagram of the photos is provided.

Materials used

Thick mounting card, with a wooden frame.


Of your charity pray for the souls / of the following members of this Parish / who lost their lives in the / Great European War / 1914-1918.
This memorial was erected by the members of the Catholic Young Men’s Institute, Washington
18 Nov. 08.



1. The original, which is thought to have hung in the previous Catholic Institute, is now lost.

2. There use to be a black and white photograph in the church of the members who attended this Institute which was seen briefly years ago.

3. This is a modern day replacement, made in November 2008. The photographs are copies of those used.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: James Pasby

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Tom Copeman, Washington War Memorials Group; James Pasby

Research In Progress

Wessington U3A War Memorials Group (in Washington) has fairly extensive details of the WW1 men on Usworth, Washington Village and Harraton memorials. There are files of their information in libraries at Shiney Row, Washington, Sunderland, Newcastle, Gateshead, Birtley, Durham Record Office and Tyne Wear Archives Blandford Street Newcastle. There are also files of information about life and events in Harraton Parish during WW1 in the same places

DVDs can be watched through youtube

Washington men in the Great War – Wad thou gan?

Washington Men at The Somme

From Washington to Wipers and Warlencourt

The Wear at War

Washington in the Great War – Whisht Lads, a book by Peter Welsh £3 (from the author) published by Pen & Sword 2014 ISBN 978 1 78346 385 6


Photos 1914-18 Roman Catholic Institute (W96.19)

WASHINGTON Roman Catholic Institute
   Of your charity pray for the souls
   of the following members of this Parish
   who lost their lives in the
   Great European War
Top row

   1   Pte.  Michael  Lloyd       kia 9/8/1915     aged 26.
   2   Pte.  E.       McDermott   died 5/01/1917   aged 47
   3   Pte.  John     Todd        kia 19/8/1917    aged 26 years
   4   Pte.  W.       Adamson     kia 2/10/1918    aged ?27
Second row

   5   Pte.   Michael Thompson                    aged 27 years
   6   Pte.   Peter   Dowd        kia 15/5/1915   aged 26 years
   7   Pte.   Wm.     Graham      kia Aug.3       aged 27 years
   8   Pte.   Patrick Lamb        kia 15/9/1916   aged 25 years?
   9   Pte.   Thomas  Mallaburn   kia 1/7/1916    aged 41 years
   10  Pte.   Michael McHugh      DoW 17/6/1917   aged 32 years
   11  Pte.   John    Sweeney     kia June 1917   aged 24 years
   12  Pte.   John    Rooney      kia 9/8/1916    aged 41 years
   13  L/Cp.  Daniel  Todd        kia 19/8/1917   aged 26 years
   14  L/Cpl. Richard Christer    kia 8/10/1918   aged 28 years
Third row

   15  Pte.   John    McGivern    died 27/11/1918 aged 29 years  
   16  Pte.   E.      Haggan      DoW 2/7/1916    aged 34/36?
   17  Pte.   Wm.     Reed        kia 1/7/1916    aged 31 years
   18  Cpl.   Michael Kelly       kia 12/1/1917   aged 26 years
   19  Pte.   Michael Quinn       kia 28/12/1916  aged 27 years
   20  Pte.   G.      Stephenson  kia 1/10/1917   aged 24 years
   21  Cpl.   Richard Boyle       kia 28/4/1917   aged 26 years
   22  Pte.   Arthur  Cosgrove    kia 27/3/1916   aged 17 years
   23  Pte.   Thomas  Megan       kia 20/9/1917   aged 34 years
Fourth row

   24  Pte.   Michael Brown       kia 22/8/1915    aged 37 years
   25  Gunner Michael Gibbons     kia 9/10/1916    aged 23/25?
   26  Pte.   T.      Manning     kia 17/10/1918   aged 29 years
   27  Pte.   Wm.     Hanlon      kia 7/8/1915     aged 27 years
   28  Sgt.   T.      Walker      kia 1/7/1916     aged 26 years
   29  Sgt.   P.      Murphy      kia 15/5/1918    aged 25 years
   30  Sapper Daniel  Campbell    DoW 23/10/1916   aged 28 years
   31  Pte.   L.      McKeown     kia 25-28/9/18   aged 43 years
   32  Pte.   Thomas  Lennon      kia 16/9/1916    aged 27 years
   33  Pte.   James   Reed        kia 20/2/1916    aged 32 years  
Fifth row

   34  Pte.  Jas.     Kelly       Died 1/3/1915    aged 41 years
   35  Pte.  Matthew  Dobson      Died 2/5/1918    aged 25 years
   36  CSM   J.       Quinn       Died 7/11/1918   aged 26 years
   37  Pte.  M.       Hannah      kia 31/7/1915    aged 25 years
   38  Pte.  J.       Hannah      kia 30/6/1915    aged 25 years
   39  Pte.  Geo. Robert Wheatley kia 26/5/1915    aged 19 years
   40  Pte.  Wm.      Tappenden   kia 9/9/1918     aged 22 years
   41  Cpl.  John R.  Duffy       kia 25/9/1915    aged 22 years
   42  Pte.  Francis  Duffy       kia 4/3/1917     aged 21 years
Left hand side (not numbered, and no photograph)

       Pte.  S.       Fitzpatrick 
       Cpl.  William Knox Roper   05/7/1916        aged 23 years 
Right hand side (not numbered, and no photograph)

       Pte.  J.       Mulholland  15/11/1916
       Pte.  T.       Kenny

   This memorial was erected by the members of the Catholic Young Men’s Institute, Washington
   R.I.P.                                                 18 Nov. 08.


You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story