Memorial Details

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Memorial 1914-18 Stannington Football Ground




HEATON (N'castle/Heaton)

Original Location

Heaton Stannington Football Ground, Newton Park, Newton Road, High Heaton.

Which war


Memorial Description



Research acknowledgements

James Pasby

Research In Progress

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Memorial 1914-18 Stannington Football Ground (H91.45)

HIGH HEATON      Heaton Stannington Football Ground
   Bell, David      Sergeant           R.F.A. 
   Tait, John       Private            R.A.M.C. 
   Green, Thomas    Sergeant           R.A.M.C. 
   Shea, John       Mechanic           R.A.F. 
   Ayre, Robert     Private            N.F. 
   Duffy, George    Corporal           R.E., -- M.M.
   Hogg, Joseph     Private            R.N.D. 
   +Hodgkinson, J.  Sec.Lt.            N.F. 
   Gaffney, Thos.   Wireless Operator  R.N. 
   Waugh, R.H.      Private            R.A.M.C. 
   Moffit, J.       Stoker             R.N. 
   Morrison, R.     Corporal           R.G.A., 
      Chevalier de L’Order de Leopold II,  Croix de Guerre
   Jackson, W.A.S.  Sec.Lt.            R.G.A.
   Waugh, Harold    Private            C.R.
   Withers, Sydney  Motoman            R.N.R.
   Sample, Leslie   Captain            R.E., MBE., M.C. 
   Swann, John      Gunner             R.G.A.
   Elder, Leslie    Lieut.             R.F.A.
   Brown, C.         
   Wood, Thomas     Private            S.S.
   Nethercott, G.   Private            S.R.
   Moncrieff, E.W.  Private            N.F.
   Connelly, M.     Private            R.S.F.
   Savoy, S.  
   Lyall, R.S.      Private            A.S.C.
   Standish, J.     Private            K.O.Y.L.I.
   Hagon, G.        Private            E.R. Yeo.
   Didsbury, J.W.   Private            C.R.
   +Bainbridge, W.  Private            N.F.
   Matthews, G.     Private            D.L.I.
   Younger, J.      Private            K.O.Y.L.I.
   Kilgallon, J.    Private            N.F.
   Scott, G.        Private            Notts and Derby
   Green, Joe       Private            K.O.Y.L.I.
   Nicholson, J.    Private            R.A.M.C.
   McDowell, E.     Private            N.F.
   Kelly, J.E.      Private            W.G.
   Holt, W.         Private            L.C.
   Davidson, J.     Stoker             R.N.
   Gray, T.         Private            N.F.
   Nethercott, T.   Private            E.Y.
   Jones, T.        Private            D.L.I.
   Carrothers, W.   Gunner             R.G.A.
   Stapleton, G.    Gunner             R.M.A.
   Wallace, J.      Private            M.G.C.
   McNichol, B.
   Russell, W.T.    Gunner             R.G.A.
   Bain, J.W.       Gunner             R.G.A.
   Robson, R.O.     Private            N.F.
   Mason, A.S.      Mechanic           R.A.F.
   Rogers, M.       Mechanic           R.A.F.
   +Devlin, J.      Private            D.L.I.
   Moore, E.G.      Sapper             R.E.
   Clarke, R.W.     Sapper             R.N.D.E.
   Lees, A.L.       Lance/Cpl.         Tank Corps  

   + denotes killed or died from wounds 

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