Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: James Pasby


Seats and plaque 1914-18 Roadside





Map ref

NZ 597433

Original Location

On island site at the junction of Seaside Lane and Chichester Road.

Which war


Memorial Description

Modern seat constructed to form an outward-facing hexagon. This is set inside a low walled hexagonal enclosure.
In an alcove set at an angle opposite the entrance to the enclosure is a bronze plaque set on a raked plinth. There is a single line border which forms an elaborate arch at the top. There is a badge at centre top. The names are listed in three columns divided by vertical lines. The dedication is in Roman capitals, the names in sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Wood seats, stone enclosure, bronze plaque.


This memorial / is erected by the inhabitants of / Fulwell / to perpetuate the memory of the Fulwell men / who fell in the Great War / 1914-1918


Who commissioned

Fulwell War Memorial Committee.


£300 approximatly.

How money was raised

By the residents of Fulwell by subscriptions and donations.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Cowell and Gatiss Sunderland


1. There was a shelter, Wood and brick construction with the plaque mounted on the wall with seats. The shelter was demolished.

2. The Oriiginal War Memeorial was an artistic shelter with seats, designed for the temporary rest for those climbing the steep bank from the sea front at Seaburn.

3. It was erected by voluntary subscriptions and sited on land officially provided in Chichester Road, which was given generously by Sunderland County Borough Council as it was then, as a Memorial to Fulwell 'boys' killed in the war.

4. On the 24th April 1929, there was an appeal to past and present residents of Fulwell, to help with subscriptions and donations.

5. The President was E. H. Brown, J.P., J. W. Mason Chairman, A.B. Caves, Vice-Chairman, R. L Tail. Treasurer and J. Watson, Secretary. from 11 Garcia Terrace, Fulwell.

6. There ws £137 in credit to the fund but about £300 was required.

7. In the days of the Corkscrew Bank, Sunderland Rural District Council had a seat at the bend where the two Cattagres stood opposite Mere Knolls House. It was removed when the 2 cottages were demolished. The seat on the bank will be a boom to elderly folk, who find it a rather stiff climb from the sea front, and will meet immediate needs until the Fulwell War Memorial is erected. This will be erected on an island site near to where the seat will be placed and will take the form of a small shelter. Source: Sunderland Echo 25th November 1953.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders; Simon Raine; Mark Campbell; James Pasby

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; Mark Campbell (City of Sunderland Council)

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Seats and plaque 1914-18 Roadside (S142.01)

SEABURN  Roadside.
   This memorial 
   is erected by the inhabitants of 
   ---- Fulwell ----
   to perpetuate the memory of the Fulwell men 
   who fell in the Great War 
   R.W. Adamson     D.L.I.      C.R. Hird         W.R.      T. Rea           R.E.
   J.H.R. Ainsley   R.G.A.      W. Hogg           W.R.R.    J.W. Reay        W.R.R.
   W. Aldridge      T.S.        J.H. Hudson       L.R.      J.S. Richardson  N.F.
   C. Archbold      D.L.I.      H.H. Hunter       D.L.I.    J.T. Robson      D.L.I.
   K.S. Archbold    K.O.Y.L.I.  G. Huntley        R.E.      G.A. Ryall       D.L.I.
   J.J. Ashton      N.F.        T.W. Hetherington D.L.I.    A. Scorer        K.O.Y.L.I.
   C.D. Beattie     R.N.R.      F.C. Irvine       R.G.A.    J. Scott         D.L.I.
   J.H. Bellerby    N.F.        W.T. Innes        D.L.I.    O.R. Scott       R.G.A.
   J.J. Blenkinsop  M.G.C.      G. Jacobs         R.A.M.C.  B. Smith         D.L.I.
   S. Brown         T.I.        A.E. Jenner       N.C.B.    J. Sterling      D.L.I.
   T.H. Brown       K.L.R.      J.R. Jones        M.G.C.    C.H. Stothard    Y.R.
   J.E. Buttery     D.L.I.      H. Kilner         W.Y.      T.H.B. Spours    D.L.I.
   W. Brown         D.L.I.      E.C. King         Y.R.      S. Shiel         E.R.A.
   W.H. Calvert     C.R.        D.E. Little       D.L.I.    J. Stenton       R.G.A.
   A. Campbell      G.A.        G.H. Lodge        R.E.      W. Stevenson     W.R.R.
   W. Campbell      W.Y.        E.A. Logan        W.Y.      J. Stobbart      R.F.A.
   F. Catchpole     D.L.I.      S.B. Logan        C.M.R.    F.W. Stoker      R.N.R.
   A. Cowan         D.L.I.      R. Matthews       D.L.I.    J. Taylor        W.Y.
   D. Craig         R.N.R.      R. Macdonald      N.F.      T. Taylor        D.L.I.
   C.W. Crown       R.F.A.      J. Mitchell       D.L.I.    H. Thompson      R.E.   
   J.R. Cowling     S.F.        J.P. Moffitt      D.L.I.    T. Thursfield    R.M.
   T.H. Dick        M.G.C.      N.E. Moffitt      G.N.      C. Turnbull      H.M.T.
   R.N. Duncan      Y.R.        H.G. Moor         Y&L       J. Turnbull      L.F.
   E. Egglestone    D.L.I.      G. Moore          R.N.R.    T. Walkington    N.F.
   E.F. Elsdon      D.L.I.      E. Muir           R.E.      C. Wake          C.I.
   H. Fisher        K.R.R.      J. Murray         R.N.R.    W.T. Wallace     R.F.A.
   W. Fairbairn     D.L.I.      J.H. Mayhew       N.F.      E. Walton        R.G.A.
   J.E. Graham      R.E.        J.M. Milner       R.N.R.    T. Warner        R.G.A.
   G.H. Gibbin      K.R.R.      J.W. Nelson       R.N.R.    A. Wight         D.L.I.
   A.W. Gibson      R.E.        J. Newstead       E.Y.      T. Wilkinson     R.E.
   W.J. Gibson      R.G.A.      J. Norton         D.L.I.    J.W. Wrathmall   D.L.I.
   S.E. Gillet      D.L.I.      A. Orton                    T. Wilson        D.L.I.
   G. Hall          W.Y.        F.J. Owers        W.I.      T. Younger       C.G.
   R. Hall          K.L.        A.J. Peterson     R.F.A.    W.P. Yule        D.L.I.
   E. Haswell       N.F.        W. Rae            K.L.      W. Yule          W.Y.
                                H.H. Knaggs       L.R.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story