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Atkinson, M.R., Sqdn. Ldr., 1942
On Runnymede Memorial, Surrey, is the name of 39364 Squadron Leader Matthew Richard Atkinson, serving with the Royal Air Force, who died 26/06/1942.

S/Ldr Atkinson was serving with 1481 Flight. He was a crew member of Wellington IC X9812 –Z which took off from Binbrook on a mission to Bremen and crashed in the sea off the coast of Holland. All five crew were killed.This was on a night when 52 aircraft were lost.
Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War: 1942; W.R. Chorley; 1994; Midland Counties Publications; ISBN 0 904597 89 X

His story is told in Men of the North: A Few of The Few; Robert Dixon; Wolf’s Nick Publishing; 2011; ISBN 9781466446830

His story is also told in: Stobo, M.E. We Will Remember Them: The story of the men on the Ponteland War Memorial, Ponteland Parish Council, 2005, No ISBN, page 42.

He is remembered at Gosforth on G9.02, at Ponteland on P12.07 and P12.10

The CWGC entry for Squadron Leader Atkinson

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk