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Skedge, T.F., A/Smn., 1917
On Tyne Cot Memorial is the name of Tyneside Z/4837 Able Seaman Thomas Fairney Skedge, serving with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve who died 26/10/1917.

Colin Boyd has provided the following:

Thomas was born on 25th April 1897. He was working as a miner living with his parents, George and Mary at West Holywell Square, Backworth when he enlisted in the Royal Naval Division on 27th May 1915. This address was later changed to 6 Co-operative Terrace, West Holywell.

He joined the Howe Battalion as a trained Signaller in France on 24th October 1915. Thomas was killed in action two days later.

Thomas Fairney Skedge is remembered in Backworth on B1.01 and B1.03

The CWGC entry for Able Seaman Skedge

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk