Every Name A Story Content

Greenwell, J., Sgt., 1943
On the Runnymede memorial is the name of 1494130 Sergeant John Greenwell, serving with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve who died 30/12/1943.

Simon Glancey has submitted the following:

Sgt. Greenwell was killed when Avro Lancaster I DV375 VN-E of 50 Squadron was forced to ditch in the North Sea when returning from a mission to Berlin. The Lancaster came down some 40 miles due east of Great Yarmouth. At 02.20 hours the rear gunner, Sgt. Groves, R.A.A.F., was picked up by a Royal Navy destroyer, but the other six crew lost their lives.
Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War: 1943;W.R. Chorley; 1996; Midland Counties Publications; ISBN 0 904597 90 3, page 440

Also killed in the same incident was F/Off. H. Mordue

Acknowledgments to John Jones who has provided the hyperlink to the story of the crash.

John Greenwell is remembered at Cramlington on C60.03

The story of the crash
The CWGC entry for Sergeant Greenwell

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk