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Wright, A., A/Smn., 1915
On Helles Memorial is the name of Able Seaman Z996 Albert Wright serving with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Hawke Battalion RN Division who died 26/06/1915.

Margaret Burgess has submitted the following:-

Born 13th April 1888 the son of Robert and Margaret Ellen Wright, of 11 Simonside Terrace, Newbiggin-by-Sea, Northumberland. Resided with mother and was a miner when he enlisted.

Reported by Tyneside Z/997 AB A. Tutin: "On the morning of the 20th June, I was standing beside Albert Wright in a Turkish Trench and saw him shot and killed." Reported by Tyneside Z/150 Petty Officer James Lilley: "Was hit in the Head."

Albert Wright is remembered in Newbiggin by the Sea on N10.03, N10.05, N10.06 and N10.15

The CWGC entry for Able Seaman Wright

Book of Honour

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk