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Sutton-Jones, C.G., Flying Cadet, 1918

Photo: Tony Harding

Photo: Janet Rice

In Old Bewick (Holy Trinity) Churchyard is the Commonwealth War Grave with a private headstone of Flight Cadet Cecil Gwyn Sutton-Jones serving with (East Fortune) Royal Air Force who died 11/09/1918.

The irregular shaped grave marker has inscriptions on three faces. The metal plaques have been shaped to fit the rough shape and set into sunken panels.

On the top is a metal spike which suggests that something, maybe a model of a plane, was originally placed there.

First face
In grateful memory of
Cecil Gwyn Sutton Jones
Flight Cadet R.A.F.killed whilst flying
Sept. 11th 1918.
The dear son and comrade of
Mrs. Gie Sutton-Jones and the
late Lt.Col. G. Sutton-Jones
Bhopal Battalion
aged 28

Second face
(R.A.F. Badge)
"Sure winged at last
and free
Full fledged eternally
in God's Royal Flying Corps"

Third face
And his mother
4 November 1936

This grave marker had a passing mention in an article on Old Bewick by Tony Henderson in Journal 11/06/2007

Royal Victoria Infirmary Coroner's Report No. 390 12/09/1918. (Without Jury).
"Cecil George Sutton-Jones, 28 years Flight Cadet RAF Cramlington - Home Address Wooperton, N/land. Killed at Cramlington at 7.10am on 11th September 1918.

Deceased accidentally fell with an Aeroplane in which he was a passenger into a field near Cramlington Station on 11th September 1918, and was killed. But what caused the Aeroplane to fall, there was no evidence before the Coroner to show."

Only son of Mrs. G. Sutton-Jones, of Roseden, Wooperton Northumberland, and the late Col. G. Sutton Jones (India Army).

Cecil Gwyn Sutton Jones is remembered in Eglingham E18.01 and in Powburn on P39.01

The CWGC entry for Flight Cadet Sutton-Jones

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk