Every Name A Story Content

Clough, Cleugh, Cleough, J., Rfm., 1918
On the Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France, is the name of A/203895 Rifleman John Clough, serving with the 18th Battalion King’s Royal Rifle Corps, who died 28/03/1918.

In Felton Cemetery is a family headstone for Cleough which reads:

William, husband of Ann Cleough, died at Eshott 18th March 1921 aged 69 years, and of their son John K.R.R.C., who fell in action at Bapaume, 24th March 1918 aged 25 years. The above Ann Cleough died at Pegswood Moor 23rd February 1927 aged 69 years.

The CWGC entry gives his name as "Clough"

His story is told in: Felton War Memorial: the men behind the names, E. Hall, [N.D.], Privately Printed, page 47.

John Cleough is remembered as “Clough” at Eshott E28.03 and at Felton on F14.01 and as Cleugh on F14.02

Felton Roll of Honour
The CWGC entry for Rifleman Cleough

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk