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McKenna, E., A/Smn., 1915
On the Helles Memorial is the name of Tyneside Z/196 Able Seaman Edward McKenna, serving with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, who died 14/07/1915.

Colin Boyd has submitted the following:

Edward was born on 28th August 1895. He was working as a miner living with his mother, Helen at 70, Morpeth Street, Spital Tongues, Newcastle upon Tyne when he enlisted in the Royal Naval Division on 18th August 1914.

Edward was posted to the Drake Battalion on 22nd August 1914 and was killed in action on Gallipoli on 14th July 1915.

Edward McKenna is remembered in Spital Tongues on S108.01

The CWGC entry for Able Seaman McKenna

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk