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Peel, H.R., Sgt., 1943
On the Alamein Memorial is the name of 1129991 Sergeant Harry Rawlinson Peel, serving with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, who died 19/11/1943.

Simon Glancey has submitted the following:

Sgt. Peel was killed when Martin Baltimore IV FA672 of 454 (R.A.A.F.) Squadron was lost on a patrol. The crew reported a sighting, and a few minutes later sent out an S.O.S., this being fixed at a point some 20 miles south of Crete. The aircraft and the four crew were lost without trace.
Alamein to the Alps: 454 Squadron RAAF; Mark Lax; 2006; ISBN 0-9775340-06, page 87

Also killed in the same incident was Sgt. D. Bumfrey

The CWGC entry for Sergeant Peel

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk