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Middleton, G.L., Sgt., 1940
On the Runnymede Memorial is the name of 521578 Sergeant George Leslie Middleton, serving with the Royal Air Force, who died 26/10/1940.

Simon Glancey has submitted the following:

Sgt. Middleton died when Vickers Wellington I X2990 OL-Z of 83 Squadron was lost on a mine-laying operation. The Wellington and its four crew members were lost without trace after taking off from R.A.F. Scampton to mine the Gironde.
Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War: 1939-1940; W.R. Chorley; 1992; Midland Counties Publications; ISBN 0 904597 85 7, page 123

The CWGC entry for Sergeant Middleton

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk