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Wight, J., A/Smn., 1917
On the Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent, is the name of Tyneside/Z324 Able Seaman James Wight, serving with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve on H.M.S. “Pheasant”, who died 01/03/1917.

Morpeth Herald 09/03/1917 carries a brief obituary:
County Councillor J. Wight and Mrs Wight, of Darrel Street, Dinnington Colliery, have received the official intimation that their youngest son, A.B. James Wight, R.N.D., formed one of the crew of the destroyer which was sunk with all hands in the North Sea on March 1st. The deceased, who was a young man of much promise, was 22 years of age and joined the Navy in the early stages of the War, and for two years was a Petty Officer before going to sea.

Thomas Wight is remembered in Dinnington on D10.04, at Brunswick Village on B118.01 and on our List of Ships’ crews

H.M.S. Pheasant
The CWGC entry for Able Seaman Wight

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk