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Dixon, T., Pte., 1915

De Ruvigny Roll of Honour Vol 1 page 113

On the Vimy Memorial is the name of 18636 Private Thomas Dixon, serving with the 1st Battalion, Canadian Infantry (Western Ontario Regiment) Canadian Expeditionary Force who died 15/06/1915.

Thomas Dixon was born at Castle Eden on the 18th July 1892, he was the youngest son and his wife Esther, daughter of Andrew Hunter of Middle Rainton.

He was educated at Rainton School and moved to Canada in 1912 and settled in Edmonton.

Thomas enlisted on the 4th August 1914 and was sent to France to France 26th April 1915 and was killed in action at Givenchy on the 15th June 1915. He was unmarried.

For their conduct that day, the deceased company officer, Lieutenant F. W. Campbell, was awarded the V.C., the official report stating:-For most conspicuous bravery on [the] 15th June, during the action at Givenchy, Lieutenant Campbell took his two machine guns over the parapet, arrived at the Germans first line with one gun, and maintained his position there under very heavy rifle, machine gun and bomb fire, notwithstanding the fact that almost the whole of his detachment had been killed or wounded.

When our supply of bombs had been exhausted, this officer advanced his gun still further to an exposed position, and by firing 1000 rounds, succeeded in holding back the enemy's counter attack. This officer was subsequently wounded and had since died.

De Ruvigny Roll of Honour

Thomas Dixon is remembered in Castle Eden on C102.02

The Canadian War Memorial ROH Page 12
The CWGC entry for Private Dixon

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk