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Andrews, Rev. J., BA., MC, welcomed home 1919
Darlington & Stockton Times 19/04/1919 reports:

Rev. James Andrews, M.C.
Welcomed home at Stockton after service in France.

An interesting ceremony took place at St. George's Presbyterian Church, Stockton, when the pastor, the Rev. Jas. Andrews, B.A., who won the Military Cross for his services in France was welcomed home. There was a very large gathering, amongst those present being the Rev. Alex. Brown, Moderator, and other representatives of the Durham presbytery. Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Mark acted as host and hostess.

The returned pastor was congratulated on his return by the Chairman (Mr. Mark) and by the interim moderator, (the Rev. J.N. Reid, of Middlesbrough), and was presented by Mrs. McNair, on behalf on the congregation, with a new pulpit robe.

In response to their welcome, he thanked the Rev. M.S. MacLean, the minister-in-charge, and the workers for keeping the flag of St. George's flying, and expressed his pleasure to return to a church which had not gone back, but was in a more flourishing condition than ever. he looked to the church to accomplish great things in the future, and he had every confidence it would rise to the occasion.

The Rev. M.S. MacLean was afterwards presented by the Chairman with a travelling case as a token of the congregation's esteem and gratitude, whilst the interim Moderator, was the recipient from the hands of Mr. McIntyre of a wallet of Treasury notes. In appreciation of their services and active interest in the church, Mrs. Maclean and Miss Howell were presented by Mrs. Mark with fountain pens."

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