Every Name A Story Content

McPherson, H., Pte., 1915

Menin Gate Memorial

On Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial is the name of 14090 Private Henry McPherson, serving with the Durham Light Infantry who died 31/07/1915.

John Taylor and Ann Norman have submitted the following: ,

Henry McPhearson had been shown in 1911 at The Blacking, Eighton Banks, with his parents and five brothers and sisters aged from 22 to 11. He was a stone putter and was 20 years old. The Blacking or The Blacking Factory as on the 1901 census was on a plot behind Rockcliffe Way just north of Walmer Terrace and is now a private garden. In 1912 he married Jane and they lived at 3 Greenwells Buildings, Wrekenton. Jane was at 26 Mansfield Street Gateshead when she received news of a war pension for herself and their daughter.

Henry McPhearson, as his name was normally written, was in the 10th battalion of the DLI, number 14090. He was killed in action on the Western Front on 31st July 1915.

He is remembered in Eighton Banks on E50.01 and E50.02

The CWGC entry for Private McPherson

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk