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Hodgson, Miss F.M., presentation 1919.
The Auckland & County Chronicle 16/10/1919 reports:

Splendid testimonials.
After having spent 21 months on clerical work in the R.A.S.C. at Brockton Camp, Miss May Hodgson, of New Shildon, has been demobilised and has returned to her home again. Miss Hodgson has received a splendid testimonial from the officer in command and several gifts on her departure. The transport section presented her with a fountain pen. Another gift is a silver rose bowl, inscribed as follows: 'Presented to member F.M. Hodgson, Q.M.A.A.C. as a token of esteem by the officers, warrant officers and staff of the 940 Coy, R.A.S.C., October, 1919.' From the Controller-in-Chief Q.M.A.A.C., Miss Hodgson has received an illuminated address, which reads as follows: 'It is with much regret that I send you this word of farewell on the termination of your service in Queen Mary's A.A. Corps. I wish to thank you for your good work in the corps and to send you every good wish for your future welfare and happiness. I hope you will always look back on this time, during which we have tried to render good service to our King and Country, as a very pleasant memory, and that you will continue to feel that esprit-de-corps which has been such a strong bond of fellowship and comradeship in Q.M.A.A.C.'

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