Parish Notes

Washington Wings for Victory Week 1943
Washington's Wings for Victory Week was held June 19th to 26th 1943. Their target was £50,000 for ten spitfires.

The Programme was sold for 3d and includes details of the events, Washington's two D.F.M.s, Sgt R Durham and Fl.Sgt. R.C. Glew, also where National Saving Certificates etc are available.

The Newcastle Evening Chronicle 19/06/1943 reports:-

Wings campaign opened
The man most in the thoughts of the people of Washington when they opened their Wings for Victory week to-day was Sergt. E. Durham, one of the two airmen from the village to receive the D.F.M. decoration, who had been expected to support Commander R. G. Kellett. D. 5.0.. D F.C.. at the saluting base at the War Memorial. Wing Commander R. G. Kellett is also a Washington man. Sergt. Durham, whose citation mentioned "his cool determination when attacking targets has contributed much to the success achieved by his crew." is now reported missing from a recent operation. The other airman. Fl.-Sergt. R. C. Glew has been recalled duty.

Washington's target is £50.000 for ten Spitfires and the exploits of airmen Durham and Glew will provide incentive subscribers to hit the target with resounding crash and no doubt, exceed it.

At the opening ceremony, there was an exchange of plaques between Commander G. F. Bradshaw. D.S.O., R N., and Councillor W. Haskett of the Washington U.D. Council, to commemorate the adoption of H.M.S. Sarabande by the inhabitants of Washington. Sir Arthur Lambert, North Regional Commissioner, supported by Mr. J. J. Lawson. M.P. and Wing Commander Kellett was the principle speaker the ceremony later in the afternoon.

Both the names of R. Durham and R.C. Glew are included on Washington's War Memorial.

Washington Wings for Victory 1943