Parish Notes
BIRTLEY (Gateshead)

Books for Belgians appeal
The Newcastle Daily Chronicle 27/10/1916 carries the following appeal:
Books for Belgians
Sir, There is at the Belgian Village, Birtley, a colony of upwards of 4,000 Belgians. This community is practically without literature. An endeavour is being made to furnish on a small scale a public free library. With a view to assisting the scheme I venture to suggest that many people may have French or Flemish books which they can spare. If the owners would kindly send such books, carriage paid, addressed to Mr. Verpoorten, The Librarian, Belgian Village, Birtley, they would be rendering a helpful service to people driven by war from their own country, and the gifts would be received with gratitude.
Yours, etc.
G.O. Wight
(Belgian Consul for Durham County)
Sunderland, Oct. 25.