Parish Notes

Wounded Soldiers entertained at Gateshead 1916
The Newcastle Daily Chronicle 20/01/1916 reports:
"Last night the members of the Gateshead Liberal Club entertained at their premises, High Street, Gateshead, 50 wounded soldiers from Whinney Hospital, Low Fell, to a supper and concert, the lady members of the club providing the refreshments, and the gentlemen members cigarettes, etc. Through the kindness of Mr. W. Morrison, general manager of the Gateshead and District Tramways Company, the wounded soldiers were conveyed to and from the club by special cars. Mr. W. Bevan, jun., presided, and the lady secretary, Miss E. Bolam, and the ladies' committee, Mr. H. Shipley, rifle club secretary, Mr. George Charlton, assistant secretary, and committee, waited on the wants of the guests, who thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A concert followed, the artistes including Miss Plews, Miss Carr, Miss Hall, and a number of soldiers, the accompanists being Mrs. Boiston and Mrs. A. March. Sergeant-Major Willstrop, D.C.M., returned thanks on behalf of the soldiers for the kind hospitality bestowed by the ladies and gentlemen of the club.