Parish Notes

Presentation to Tudhoe Soldiers 1919
The Newcastle Daily Chronicle 17/06/1919 reports:
Presentation to Tudhoe Soldiers
The Tudhoe Colliery workmen and officials gave a welcome home greeting in the Co-operative field, Tudhoe, to the returned soldiers and sailors who enlisted from the Tudhoe and Croxdale collieries. The function took the form of a large gala, procession, and presentation of gold medals from the local War Relief Fund of which there was balance in hand of £980 from the total of £4,748 which had been contributed since 1914. Of 498 who enlisted, 70 made the supreme sacrifice. The proceedings were presided over by Mr. Joseph Berriman, C.C. Captain Rogerson, in handing over the medals, extended the men a hearty welcome.