In Memory of
the members of the staff of the
Durham County Council
who fell in the Great War 1914 to 1918
Top left hand panel
Francis Allen Alf. J. Axtell
Jos. Armstrong John W. Barr
William Arnett John Barclay
Jos. H. Atkinson John Barton
Oswald C. Ash William Bates
Jas. F.G. Ashworth Willm. H. Bayles
Top right hand panel
N. Beardmore Thos. Brown
Thomas H. Bell W.L.G. Brown
Gordon Bower Willm. T. Brown
W.H. Bradley H.A. Buffham
Alfred L. Brock N.W. Chambers
Christphr. Brown Hny. Chipchase
Lower panel 1 Lower panel 2
Arthr. Chester T.R.S. Harrison
Percy Clark Waltr. S. Hedger
John G. Clark John G. Heslop
James E. Cook Willm. Heslop
Percy Cook A. Hetherington
Arthur Coon John W. Hogan
Saml. S. Collin Robert Hogg
Richd. Corker John Hook
Arthr. H. Corner Willm. D. Hoole
A.B. Cosgrove John H. Horne
Jacob Crabb John W. Huggins
Geo. Crawford Richd. Jameson
Ralph Deighton Robert Jones
Hy. Drummond Henry King
John Duke Jas. H. Lawson
John O. Elliott K. MacDonald
Ingrm. T. Elsdon Geo. McPherson
Edwd. Fairless Alex. J. Metcalfe
Tho. Ferguson G.E. Middlemass
J.C. Flavell Thos. Minks
Basil Ford
Robt. W. Forster
Wilson Forrest
I.T.T. Francis
J.B. Frankton
M. Fullerton
Matt. Gibson
Robt. L. Groves
Joseph Guy
Lower panel 3 Lower panel 4
Willm. R. Moody John F. Rowell
Harry Moore Hugh Rowell
Gilbert Noon Michl. W. Rudd
A.E.L. Parker Jas. J. Sanderson
E.F. Pattinson Fred. Seed
H.T. Peadon Stan. Shepherd
Thos. S. Pratt L. Shortridge
Thos. P. Prudham John H. Sinclair
Thos. B. Pyburn Thos. H. Smith
Robert Pybus Artr. E. Smith
A.L. Richardson Richd. R. Soulsby
W.E. Richardson T.W. Stanfield
Olvr. Richmond Harry Stobbs
Tyson Rigg W.H. Stockdale
Geo. S. Rivers Edwin Taylor
A.W. Robertson Thos. H. Tiffin
T.N. Robinson W.H. Turnbull
John W. Robson Artr. Turner
Robert Robson A.D.L. Vickers
Robt. R. Robson Josh. P. Wake
W.G.B. Walker
Josh. M. Watson
Sydy. Watson
Ernst. H. Waud
Hawey S. Werry
Edwd. R. Wilson
Josh. K.C. Wood
William Wood
Chas. Yearman