Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Simon Raine


Plaque 1914-18 1939-45 County Hall





Map ref


Original Location

Shire Hall in Old Elvet, now University Buildings.

Present Location

County Hall, on the north wall.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 10th November 1948 by County Councillor T. Benfold of Ferryhill, Chairman of Durham County Council.

Memorial Description

Plaque. In the top left and right corners is a County Shield with the dedication in gilt lettering between. Names are in six sunken panels, in a single column on each panel, four to the left are for 1914-18, two to the right are for 1939-45, the dates being above the columns. All lettering is in Roman capitals; the lettering for the dedication is gilded.

Materials used

Light oak


In Memory of / the members of the staff of the / Durham County Council / who fell in the wars 1914-1919 and 1939-1945



£197 1s. 9d.


1. This plaque replaced a brass plaque unveiled by Peter Lee on 27/7/1921, with the addition of the dead from 1939-45.

2. From the Durham County Council, 1,455 employees, including 421 police, joined the colours, and of these, 178 fell, including 52 police.

3. In April 1947, the Finance Committee was again asked to decide on a memorial. The Clerk reported that he had identified 58 members of staff who had died during the 1939-1945 war, and the County Architect was instructed to report on extending the existing memorial.

4. In October the Architect recommended that a new memorial should be constructed in polished wood with white enamel letters, and in April 1948 he reported that the tender of the North of England School Furnishing Co., of Darlington, for £197 1s.9d., had been accepted.

5. It would appear that the Architect’s idea of a polished wood memorial with enamel letters was replaced by the memorial which can be seen today. The new memorial was unveiled by the Chairman on 10 November 1948, and the newspaper reports of the unveiling refer to the 179 names, 57 of whom died in the Second World War.

6. When the County Council left Shire Hall and moved to County Hall in 1963, the memorial was placed in its present location outside the Council chamber.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Simon Raine; Dorothy Hall

North of England Open Air Museum, Beamish Archives has a photo of 1948 unveiling

Northern Despatch 11/11/1948 reports unveiling.

Northern Echo 11/11/1948 carries photo.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Additional Notes

a. Durham County Council have researched a name on this War Memorial. John-Barclay-1889-1918

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 1939-45 County Hall (D47.052)

DURHAM   County Hall
     In Memory of
     The Members of the Staff of the
     Durham County Council
     who fell in the wars 1914-1918 and 1939-1945
     Column 1           Column 2            Column 3

     1914-1918          1914-1918           1914-1918          
     Francis Allen      Richard Corker      John H. Horne      
     Jos. Armstrong     Arthur H. Corner    John W. Huggins    
     William Arnett     A.B. Cosgrave       Richard Jameson    
     Jos. H Atkinson    Jacob Crabb         Robert Jones       
     Oswald C. Ash      George Crawford     Henry King         
     Jas. F.G. Ashworth Ralph Deighton      Jas. H. Lawson     
     Alf. J. Axtell     Hy. Drummond        K. Macdonald       
     John W. Barr       John Duke           George McPherson   
     John Barclay       John O. Elliott     Alex J. Metcalfe   
     John Barton        Ingrm. T. Elsdon    G.E. Middlemass    
     William Bates      Edward Fairless     Thomas Minks       
     Willm. H. Bayles   Thomas Ferguson     William R. Moody   
     N. Beardmore       J.C. Flavell        Harry Moore        
     Thomas H. Bell     Basil Ford          Gilbert Noon       
     Gordon Bower       Robt. W. Forster    A.E.L. Parker      
     W.H. Bradley       Wilson Forrest      E.F. Pattinson     
     Alfred L. Brock    I.T.T. Francis      H.T. Peadon        
     Christphr. Brown   J.B. Frankton       Thos. S. Pratt     
     Thomas Brown       M. Fullerton        Thos. P. Prudham   
     W.L.G. Brown       Matt. Gibson        Thos. B. Pyburn    
     William T. Brown   Robt. L. Groves     Robert Pybus       
     H.A. Buffham       Joseph Guy          A.L. Richardson    
     N.W. Chambers      T.R.S. Harrison     W.E. Richardson    
     Henry Chipchase    Walter S. Hedger    Oliver Richmond    
     Arthur Chester     John G. Heslop      Tyson Rigg         
     Percy Clark        William Heslop      Geo. S. Rivers     
     John G. Clark      A. Hetherington     A.W. Robertson     
     James E. Cook      John W. Hogan       T.N. Robinson      
     Percy Cook         Robert Hogg         John W. Robson     
     Arthur Coon        John Hook           Robert Robson      
     Saml. S. Collin    William D. Hoole    Robt. R. Robson    
     Column 4           Column 5            Column 6

     1914-1918          1939-1945           1939-1945
     John F. Rowell     Edward Alderson     Harry Mossop
     Hugh Rowell        Leslie Austin       J.L. Owen
     Michl. W. Rudd     Arthur Beresford    J.G. Parker
     Jas. J. Sanderson  John Blight         G.E. Peart
     Fred Seed          W.F. Bryce          D.G. Penman
     Stan. Shepherd     George Bolam        Arthur Quinn
     L. Shortridge      William Booth       J.W. Richardson
     John H. Sinclair   Edmund Byers        C.A. Riley
     Thomas H. Smith    J.B. Cairns         Stephen Robson
     Arthur E. Smith    Stanley Conlin      A.W. Rutledge
     Richd. R. Soulsby  J.W. Cook           R.P. Short
     T.W. Stanfield     G.W. Dodds          J.H. Spark
     Harry Stobbs       W.G. Dowson         Norman Stevens
     W.H. Stockdale     Robert Durham       F.W. Stanners
     Edwin Taylor       Geo. Eltringham     J.G. Tallentire
     Thos. H. Tiffin    William Gent        Thomas Timney
     W.H. Turnbull      Willm. Goldsborough Eric Watson
     Arthur Turner      H.I. Gordon         Jack Watson
     A.D.L. Vickers     P.J. Green          J.H. Wells
     Josh. P. Wake      C.R. Hall           A.W. Weston
     W.G.B. Walker      Stanley Howlett     George White
     Josh. M. Watson    Frank Kidd          W.O. White
     Sydy. Watson       Walter King         John Whitfield
     Ernest H. Waud     J.W. Kipling        Derek Williams
     Hawey S. Werry     R.W. Lawson         J.W. Wooff
     Edwd. R. Wilson    Dennis Lee          Maurice York
     Josh. K.C. Wood    Richard Longstaff
     William Wood       John Mason
     Charles Yearman    Eric Mawson
                        Daniel McDarby
                        J.K. Morrison   

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story