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Wilson, E.D., A/Smn., 1917
On the Arras Memorial to the Missing, Pas de Calais, France is the name of Z927 Able Seaman Edward Dixon Wilson, serving with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Hawke Battalion who died 23/04/1917.

Margaret Burgess has submitted the following:-

Edward Dixon Wilson was born 5th February 1888 the son of Richard and Jane Wilson at Netherwitton. The family later moved to 1 Victoria Terrace, Newbiggin by the Sea. He was employed by Newbiggin by the Sea Cooperative Stores as a cartman before enlisting in November 1914.

He was reported as missing, later reported killed in action 23rd April 1917. His body had been found at one point by 189th MG Company, however he is named on Bay 1 of the Arras Memorial.

He was the recipient of the 1915 Star, the British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Edward Dixon Wilson is remembered at Newbiggin by the Sea on N10.03 N10.08 N10.09and N10.14

The CWGC entry for Able Seaman Wilson

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk