SOUTH SHIELDS Holy Trinity Church
This has not been compared with the original
nor a good photograph.
The names correspond with the list in the Unveiling Programme.
Men of this parish or of this Church
who gave their lives in the war of 1914-1919.
“Greater love hath no man than this.”
Abbott, J.J. Dean, J.H. Hughes, B. Raine G.C.F.
Abrahamson, J. Dillon, J. Hull, C. Reah, R.
Adams, D. Dixon, R. Hunter, T. Reay, R.
Adamson, F. Douglas, G. Hyde, L. Reid, J.
Aitken, T. Drummond, A. Jago, W. Rendall, M.
Alderson, M. Durrant, W. Jeffels, W. Rennison, R.F.G.
Aldus, W. Edgerton, L. Jobson, H. Reynolds, R.
Anderson, C.E. Edwards, W.J. Johnson, J. Richardson, A.
Arkley, T. Falconer, G. Johnston, H. Rives, J.
Armour, J. Fawkes, W. Keedy, E.N. Rives, P.
Armour, M. Fenwick, S. Larsen, L.M. Robson, J.
Armstrong, T. Flannigan, J.A. Landerdale, J.M. Rochester, J.
Ashford, W. Forsyth, J. Lee, J.W. Russell, W.
Bailey, J. Foulis, P. Lee, S. Scott, A.
Bains, W. Fox, J.T. Lee, W. Scott, J.
Bald, R. Fox, M. Libano, F. Sehman, J.J.
Bays, J. Frame, T. Littlewood,E.A.E. Sellers, H.
Beaumont, G.H. Galbraith, R. Livingstone, W. Shaw, J.
Beaumont, J.W. Galloway, J. Logan, B. Skipp, W.
Bell, G.J. Gamblin, S.W. McConnochie, C.A. Smith, J.
Bell, G.S. Gear, R. McConnochie, J. Smith, M.
Bell, J.T. Gibson, C. McConnochie, J.M. Smith, T.
Bennett, J. Gibson, T. McCullogh, W.J. Soulsby, R.
Blacklock, J. Girling, E. MacDonald, G.D. South, J.R.
Blair, M. Golden, J.A. McGill, J.W. South, W.H.
Blenkinsop, J. Golding, A. McIver, G.W. Stanford, J.
Boddy, T. Graham, T.W. McLaren, E. Stewart, C.
Bolton, W.A. Gray, R. Mallam, M.S. Stobbs, A.
Bone, T.P. Green, J. Mann, J.R. Summerbell, J.
Brough, J. Greener, J.P. Martin, B. Tate, J.
Brown, G. Greener, S. Martin, J. Temple, J.
Brown, R.G. Grey, T. Martin, P. Terrell, A.
Bulmer, J.E.H. Grey, W. Martin, R. Terrell, R.J.
Carlson, A. Hails, J.W. Maxwell, D. Thomas, W.
Carruthers, J. Halcrow, J.H. Middleton, R. Towns, J.
Carson, C. Hall, J. Milburn, T. Tunney, G.
Carter, R.H. Halls, J.W. Milburn, W. Tunney, S.
Churchward, J.K. Hall, R. Miller, M. Turnbull, J.
Clark, H. Hamilton, A.E. Milliken, H. Turner, H.
Clark, J.G. Hamilton, J.G. Minnigan, T. Walton, W.
Clark, M. Hamilton, W. Moore, J. Watson, J.
Clark, P. Hannant, G. Morrell Jonathan Weise, C.
Cockburn, E.P. Hardy, W. Morrell, Joseph Welsh, J.
Condon, T. Hardy, W.P. Morris, J. Wheatley, C.W.
Collier, B. Henderson, B. Mouat, S. White, G.E.
Cook, D. Henderson, E. Nash, J.T.A. Williams, J.T.
Cook, M. Heywood, N.L.N. Nicholson, M. Wilson, D.
Cooper, J. Hicks, C. Nicholson, T. Wilson, J.
Corkin, R. Higgins, M. Ohlsson, A. Wilson, J.R.
Crammon, A. Hinchan, J. Parker, W. Wilson, R.
Crammon, M. Hollands, J. Payne, J. Wilson, R.J.
Cruickshanks, A. Hollands, W. Peacock, A. Wilson, T.
Curry, D. Holmes, J. Peacock, J. Wilson, T.H.
Dale, J. Hopper, T. Perry, R.M. Wilson, T.M.
Dalton, R. Howard, J.W. Porteous, R. Wilson, W.L.
Daniels, A.V. Howie, R. Prowse, G. Windle, J.
Davidson, R. Hubbard, J. Purvis, J. Winter, J.W.P.
Davison, S. Hudson, N. Raffle, W. Wright, B.
The name “Churchward J.K.” should be “Churchward J.H.”