Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: E. Handy


Roll of Honour Fallen 1914-18 Holy Trinity





Map ref

NZ 365676

Original Location

Holy Trinity Church (demolished)

Present Location


Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled Wednesday, 16th March, 1921, by Major General Sir Percy Wilkinson. Dedicated by Rev. J.O. Aglionby.

Memorial Description

Plaque divided into five panels by fluted columns. At centre top is another panel on which is a brass plaque bearing the dedication inside a single line border. Lettering used is elongated Roman upper case with the quotation in Gothic lower case.
The centre panel bears a picture of St. George slaying the dragon. On each side are two plaques, each with a single line border, bearing the names in a single column on each, using sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Brass panels on dark wood.


Men of this parish or of this Church / who gave their lives in the war of 1914-1919.
“Greater love hath no man than this.”



1. There were two handwritten lists in the school.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: E. Handy

Illustrated Chronicle 17/03/1921 reports unveiling with photo of memorial.

Source of quotation
“Greater love hath no man . . .” St. John 15 v 13

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; E. Handy; Dorothy Hall; James Pasby

Research In Progress

The names on this memorial are being researched by Peter Hoy. Contact:

Roll of Honour Fallen 1914-18 Holy Trinity (S86.039)

SOUTH SHIELDS Holy Trinity Church
This has not been compared with the original 
nor a good photograph.
The names correspond with the list in the Unveiling Programme.
  Men of this parish or of this Church
  who gave their lives in the war of 1914-1919.
  “Greater love hath no man than this.”
  Abbott, J.J.     Dean, J.H.       Hughes, B.        Raine G.C.F.
  Abrahamson, J.   Dillon, J.       Hull, C.          Reah, R.
  Adams, D.        Dixon, R.        Hunter, T.        Reay, R.
  Adamson, F.      Douglas, G.      Hyde, L.          Reid, J.
  Aitken, T.       Drummond, A.     Jago, W.          Rendall, M.
  Alderson, M.     Durrant, W.      Jeffels, W.       Rennison, R.F.G.   
  Aldus, W.        Edgerton, L.     Jobson, H.        Reynolds, R.   
  Anderson, C.E.   Edwards, W.J.    Johnson, J.       Richardson, A.   
  Arkley, T.       Falconer, G.     Johnston, H.      Rives, J.   
  Armour, J.       Fawkes, W.       Keedy, E.N.       Rives, P.   
  Armour, M.       Fenwick, S.      Larsen, L.M.      Robson, J.   
  Armstrong, T.    Flannigan, J.A.  Landerdale, J.M.  Rochester, J.
  Ashford, W.      Forsyth, J.      Lee, J.W.         Russell, W.   
  Bailey, J.       Foulis, P.       Lee, S.           Scott, A.   
  Bains, W.        Fox, J.T.        Lee, W.           Scott, J.   
  Bald, R.         Fox, M.          Libano, F.        Sehman, J.J.
  Bays, J.         Frame, T.        Littlewood,E.A.E. Sellers, H.   
  Beaumont, G.H.   Galbraith, R.    Livingstone, W.   Shaw, J.   
  Beaumont, J.W.   Galloway, J.     Logan, B.         Skipp, W.   
  Bell, G.J.       Gamblin, S.W.    McConnochie, C.A. Smith, J.   
  Bell, G.S.       Gear, R.         McConnochie, J.   Smith, M.   
  Bell, J.T.       Gibson, C.       McConnochie, J.M. Smith, T.   
  Bennett, J.      Gibson, T.       McCullogh, W.J.   Soulsby, R.   
  Blacklock, J.    Girling, E.      MacDonald, G.D.   South, J.R.   
  Blair, M.        Golden, J.A.     McGill, J.W.      South, W.H.
  Blenkinsop, J.   Golding, A.      McIver, G.W.      Stanford, J.   
  Boddy, T.        Graham, T.W.     McLaren, E.       Stewart, C.   
  Bolton, W.A.     Gray, R.         Mallam, M.S.      Stobbs, A.   
  Bone, T.P.       Green, J.        Mann, J.R.        Summerbell, J.   
  Brough, J.       Greener, J.P.    Martin, B.        Tate, J.   
  Brown, G.        Greener, S.      Martin, J.        Temple, J.   
  Brown, R.G.      Grey, T.         Martin, P.        Terrell, A.   
  Bulmer, J.E.H.   Grey, W.         Martin, R.        Terrell, R.J.
  Carlson, A.      Hails, J.W.      Maxwell, D.       Thomas, W.
  Carruthers, J.   Halcrow, J.H.    Middleton, R.     Towns, J.   
  Carson, C.       Hall, J.         Milburn, T.       Tunney, G.   
  Carter, R.H.     Halls, J.W.      Milburn, W.       Tunney, S.   
  Churchward, J.K. Hall, R.         Miller, M.        Turnbull, J.   
  Clark, H.        Hamilton, A.E.   Milliken, H.      Turner, H.   
  Clark, J.G.      Hamilton, J.G.   Minnigan, T.      Walton, W.
  Clark, M.        Hamilton, W.     Moore, J.         Watson, J.
  Clark, P.        Hannant, G.      Morrell Jonathan  Weise, C.
  Cockburn, E.P.   Hardy, W.        Morrell, Joseph   Welsh, J.
  Condon, T.       Hardy, W.P.      Morris, J.        Wheatley, C.W.
  Collier, B.      Henderson, B.    Mouat, S.         White, G.E.
  Cook, D.         Henderson, E.    Nash, J.T.A.      Williams, J.T.
  Cook, M.         Heywood, N.L.N.  Nicholson, M.     Wilson, D.
  Cooper, J.       Hicks, C.        Nicholson, T.     Wilson, J.
  Corkin, R.       Higgins, M.      Ohlsson, A.        Wilson, J.R.
  Crammon, A.      Hinchan, J.      Parker, W.        Wilson, R.
  Crammon, M.      Hollands, J.     Payne, J.         Wilson, R.J.
  Cruickshanks, A. Hollands, W.     Peacock, A.       Wilson, T.   
  Curry, D.        Holmes, J.       Peacock, J.       Wilson, T.H.
  Dale, J.         Hopper, T.       Perry, R.M.       Wilson, T.M.
  Dalton, R.       Howard, J.W.     Porteous, R.      Wilson, W.L.
  Daniels, A.V.    Howie, R.        Prowse, G.        Windle, J.
  Davidson, R.     Hubbard, J.      Purvis, J.        Winter, J.W.P.
  Davison, S.      Hudson, N.       Raffle, W.        Wright, B.
  The name “Churchward J.K.” should be “Churchward J.H.”

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Every Name A Story