Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: C. Sanders


Reredos and Panels 1914-18 1939-45 St. Michael and All Angels





Map ref

NZ 369662

Original Location

Church of St. Michael and All Angels. Westoe Road. NE33 3PD.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Dedicated 20th April 1920 by the Bishop of Jarrow.
b. The panels for 1939-45 were dedicated on Sunday 24th October 1954 by The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Durham, Dr. A.M. Ramsay

Memorial Description

Reredos and panelling. The names for 1914-18 are on the east wall; those from 1939-45 are on the north and south walls. The dedication is on two brass plaques each 1 foot high x 1 foot 2 inches wide (305mm x 360mm) affixed to the bottom of the screen.
An additional plate on the remains of the screen bears the information, the lettering in gilded Roman capitals throughout.

Materials used

Alabaster reredos. Oak panels with brass plaques


To the glory of God / this chancel screen and the / alabaster reredos were given by / the parishioners and friends of / St. Michael’s South Westoe / as a thank offering to God / for Victory and in memory both / of those who resided in the parish / and of those who worshipped in this church / from outside the parish / who laid down their lives / in the World War 1914-1918 / who names are inscribed / on either side of the reredos.
(Later plaque):
The Church and Parish Centre were / dedicated by the Right Reverend / David E. Jenkins, Bishop of Durham / on October 27th 1989 / after restoration and reordering / following the fire of / December 3rd 1987 in which part of / this memorial screen / originally positioned between / nave and chancel was destroyed.




How money was raised

Public subscription.

Present condition

There was a fire in 1987, another on 26/11/1992. The screen remains were taken to the back of the church after the fires.


1. "After 1914-18 war, the Parishioners aimed to collect £2,000. Among the additions made were new reredos and oak panelling round the sanctuary".

2. "After 1939-45 war, . . . List of names join names already on panels in the sanctuary. They will be put on the six panels at the north and south sides which are at present vacant".

3. At the same ceremony as the dedication in 1954, a bell was presented to the church by Sir Robert and Lady Chapman in memory of his parents.

4. A plaque was erected recording that a portion of the screen was given by the Colonel and officers of the 3rd DLI in memory of officers NCOs and men of the Regiment and who fell in the 1914-1918, many of whom worshipped here during training. (Monumental Brass Book).

5. The original panels had the names incised and gilded.

6. The foundation of the church building was laid in 1881 and the building consecrated the following year.

7. Gunner C. S. Frampton is shown on the WW2 casualties, when in fact he is a WW1 casualty.

8. As a result of public feeling, a war memorial was dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of those who fell in the Great War. It took the form of an alabaster reredos, four oak panels in the chancel on which are inscribed the names of those from the parish who died and a finely carved chancel screen. The cost of £2,000 was paid by public donations.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders

Illustrated Chronicle 21/04/1920 reports proposed dedication ‘this afternoon’ with photo; 22/04/1920 reports unveiling.

North Mail 22/04/1920 briefly reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 24/04/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 21/04/1920 reports proposed unveiling tomorrow.

Shields Gazette 23/04/1954 is possible source of the above notes; 25/10/1954 reports dedication.

South Shields Gazette 10/11/1955 gives brief details of the church history.

Diocese of Durham Faculty
(a) Issued on 15/07/1919.
(b) number 3718, issued 07/07/1954

The Monumental Brasses of County Durham William Lack, H. Martin Stuchfield and Philip Whittemore 2002 ISBN 095 4327101

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

The late R.W. Gould; C. Sanders; John and Mavis Dixon; James Pasby; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

The names on this memorial are being researched by Peter Hoy. Contact:

Reredos and Panels 1914-18 1939-45 St. Michael and All Angels (S86.027)

SOUTH SHIELDS   : St. Michael & All Angels' Church, Westoe Road.
There are mis-spellings in this list, and the sequence 
is not clear, all of which needs to be rectified.  
It has not been compared with the original, nor with 
a good photograph.  
   To the glory of God 
   this chancel screen and the 
   alabaster reredos were given by 
   the parishioners and friends of 
   St. Michael’s South Westoe 
   as a thank offering to God 
   for Victory and in memory both 
   of those who resided in the parish 
   and of those who worshipped in this church  
   from outside the parish 
   who laid down their lives 
   in the World War 1914-1918 
   who names are inscribed 
   on either side of the reredos.
                   Brown J.W.      Coats R.H.      Foster E.T.Y.        
   Ainscough J.    Brown W.C.E.    Coulson T.      Fryer H.S.           
   Aitchison W.    Brown W.G.      Coulter R.C.    Gamblin S.W.        
   Allan J.        Bruce A.        Cowper T.F.     Gastall H.           
   Allan A.C.      Bruce E.        Coxon W.O.      Gent P.              
   Allan J.R.      Bruce J.        Craggs H.       Gibbson I.          
   Anderson P.     Bruhn C.A.      Crawford W.     Gibbson R.           
   Annand W.M.     Buglas J.       Crumbie L.      Giles A.T. 
   Archibald W.    Butchart J.R.   Cubey L.        Glenwright T.         
   Armstrong F.M.  Caine G.W.      Cummings M.     Golding A.           
   Armstrong J.W.  Calder J.       Curry G.        Gowans W.           
   Atherton R.     Calvert H.      Daniel H.       Graham A.           
   Bagley W.       Carrick J.      Davison T.      Graham T.W.B.        
   Bailey J.       Carss W.        Dennier W.H.    Gray J.D.                  
   Barker A.E.     Carter G.W.     Dix D.          Grey J.              
   Barret E.       Cave J.H.       Dodsworth G.    Grice A.G.           
   Barry D.        Caygill R.      Douglas         Grice T.C.           
   Batchelor C.    Chapman C.L.    Dowie R.W.      Grubb E.          
   Batty G.        Chapman M.      Downey R.       Gunn W.F.           
   Bavidge E.S.    Chapman D.N.    Dumble J.       Haggart W.J.          
   Bell R.         Cheetham J.     Edmondson R.    Hails J.W.           
   Bell W.L.       Christie J.     Emmerson F.J.   Hall J.              
   Ballas G.W.     Clarke A.S.     Emmerson J.G.   Hall W.H.          
   Berwick T.      Clarke J.Y.     Errington J.A.  Hall J.L.             
   Blakey T.       Cleghorn T.     Errington R.W.  Halliday W.F.        
   Blues R.        Coates A.       Fisher J.C.     Hannard J.          
   Bottoms R.      Collins J.T.    Fletcher G.C.   Hanson J.H.           
   Bottoms T.      Cook C.E.       Follon E.       Harker W.N.             
   Bowman R.S.     Cookson W.      Ford R.         Harle J.              
   Bright S.       Cotterill G.E.  Fowlle P.       Harrison T.G. 

   Edwards J.H.    Keatinge E.G.L. Nilsson A.E.
   Haswell W.      Jordan A.       McHugh A.       Oakes J.C.
   Hedley E.       Judson A.       Mckenzie M.     Parker G.H.
   Henderson I.    Kay A.S.        McCullough W.J. Pattison J.W.
   Henderson J.W.  Kaye R.S.       Major A.        Payne J.W.
   Hermitson F.    Kell A.         Mann R.         Pearson C.H.
   Hewitt A.       Kemp A.J.       Marshall J.     Peel T.
   Hewitt J.H.     Kerrison T.A.   Martin H.J.     Platton E.A.   
   Hildreth J.     Knox Jane       Martin J.       Porter T.
   Holland B.      Knox W.         Matthew S.J.    Pow A.R.
   Hooper T.H.P.   Knudsen E.      Maughan H.      Pratt J.W.
   Hope J.W.       Koster E.A.     Medd V.R.       Quinn T.
   Hopper D.G.     Lambert F.      Middleton J.    Raffell J.S.
   Hornsey H.E.    Lauderdale J.M. Middleton W.    Rasmussen G.H.
   Howey C.        Laverick N.     Milbourne J.W.  Readman J.
   Howey C.        Laverick J.M.   Miller J.W.     Richardson J.G.
   Hume W.         Lawson A.       Millet F.       Riddle J.
   Hunt W.D.C.     Leask G.L.      Mitchell J.A.   Roadley C.
   Hunter W.N.     Leask L.F.      Morgan F.A.S    Roadley G.F.
   Huntress T.J.   Legg G.         Mountain J.     Roberts J.H.
   Hutchinson J.W. Leslie S.       Muir R.         Robinson J.C.
   Irwin W.        Lewsey A.       Murphy J.N.     Robson J.C.
   Jackson W.      Liddle A.       Myers A.        Roxby J.
   James C.E.      Liddle J.H.     Napier J.C.     Rumbellow F.J.
   Jeffrey J.      Linney H.J.     Nelson R.       Russell S.
   Jessop G.F.A.   Lloyd W.H.      Nicholson T.E.  Scott H.W.G.
   Jobson H.       Lockyer G.      Noble C.        Scott J.J.
   Jobson R.       Lowson W.       Nordberg J.A.   Sellars W.
   Jobson W.O.     Luke S.B.       Norman J.B.     Sheriff W.  
   Johnson J.                                                     
   Johansen A.     Lusher N.       Nugent G.W.     Sheriff W.S.    


   1914 - 1918 
   Short J.R.      Soulsby R.      Taylor A.E.     Graham J.S.          
   Shotton A.V.    Spiller J.      Taylor C.W.     Jacks H.           
   Simpson W.K.    Spours R.       Taylor G.       Kay W.B.           
   Skipp W.        Stamps L.       Taylor G.W.     Mason A.           
   Smeatham T.     Stephenson R.   Taylor J.       Rewcastle R.        
   Smith D.        Stephenson J.S. Taylor T.       Stobbart G.           
   Smith F.        Stephenson W.   Tebble H.W.                    
   Smith T.H.      Stephenson W.C. Telford R.                       
   Smith W.        Stewardson R.   Thorton R.                       
   Smith W.H.      Stonns A.       Thomas B.B.                    
   Smith W.T.      Swann J.        Thompson M.E.                    
   Snaith H.       Tailford T.J.   Thompson J.                    
   Snowling J.     Tapken J.F.     Thompson J.L.       


   1914 - 1918    
   Teasdale G.T.   Thompson P.     Walker J.       White G.W.
   Whitelaw G.W.   Tindle K.       Walker R.       White J.C.
   Wood G.P.       Townsend E.L.   Walsh A.J.      Wilkinson A.
   Wood R.H.       Tropey W.S.     Walsh T.P.      Wills B.  
   Wood H.E.       Turnbull P.     Warburton H.    Wilson J.H.S.
   Brewster W.     Tyler F.        Ward J.         Wilson S.H.
   Tyrie J.M.      Ward M.C.       Winlo H.B.
   Urquhart E.S.   Ward T.         Wood J.
   Usher A.M.      Waters O.       Woodhouse E.S.W.
   Varley J.       Watson C.G.     Woodhouse H.
   Vinton J.       Webster J.W.    Wright H.H.
   Wake R.L.       Whale J.P.      Wright J.B.  
   Walker F.W.     Whalley A.      Young C.J.
   Wylie W.G.   
   Allan M.        Ellwood J.      Marshall E.          Scott S.    
   Allison W.      Fairlie H.      Marton W.C.          Sisterson G.    
   Almond G.       Finlay S.       Mason T.D.L.         Slaughter G.    
   Arthur L.K.B.   Finlay S.       Masters J.N.         Smith R.    
   Arthur M.       Forthgill J.    Metcalff T.J.        Smith D.    
   Arthur K.       Frampton J.S.   Metcalff Charlotte   Sparkes S.    
   Arthur G.L.B.   Givens J.E.     Metcalff S.          Squance J.M.    
   Bradley J.R.    Givens W.       Milliner S.          Stewart D.    
   Bright J.L.     Givens J.A.     Mordew M.            Stidolph J.E.      
   Bulmer L.H.     Goudie J.       Moutier R.W.         Stobbs R.A.    
   Charlton H.     Grey G.M.       McCracken W.         Storey H.A.    
   Charlton A.     Grimes W.C.     McKee T.             Sweeting R.    
   Charlton V.H.   Grunson C.      O‘Connell G.         Tate J.G.    
   Clough L.       Hagan C.E.      Palmer A.C.          Teasdale Jessie C.    
   Collins H.B.    Harvey J.       Poulter G.A.         Walker J.W.    
   Cook J.F.       Henderson J.    Prowse               Walker R.A.    
   Cooper S.       Hewdry J.       Purvis G.            Wall N.    
   Dale A.J.       Hickling S.R.   Raine J.B.           Watlen J.W.P.    
   Dawes H.H.      Hull R.N.       Raine J.B. Jr.       Watson W.J.    
   Dawson G.K.     Jackson L.      Rbnaut R.            Watson C.E.    
   Dawson J.       Jordan L.L.     Richardson E.F.      Whisk C.R.    
   Day T.F.        Kerr P.         Richardson A.        Wilson A.W.    
   Day  Edith      Laidler H.      Robson J.R.          Winfield F.J.A.      
   Dickenson R.    Lewis R.S.      Robson A.            Winfield Ann
   Dowson J.       Longstaff J.    Robson W.            Winfield Evelyn E.    
   Dunn R.W.       Love F.P.       Rumbellow G.S.       Woodhouse W.          
                                                     Woodrow J.
Later plaque
   The Church and Parish Centre were 
   dedicated by the Right Reverend 
   David E. Jenkins, Bishop of Durham 
   on October 27th 1989 
   after restoration and reordering 
   following the fire of 
   December 3rd 1987 in which part of 
   this memorial screen 
   originally positioned between 
   nave and chancel was destroyed.

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story