SOUTH SHIELDS St. Simons Church, Simonsides
Along the top:
To the Glory of God and in Grateful Memory of the Men of this Parish who fell in the cause of
Right and Freedom 1914-1918
On the panels:
J. Atkinson R. Hannay T.F. Magee E. Shanks
J. Brown J.R. Hellan W. McCarthy W. Sheriff
A. Campbell H. Hughes J. McCormick G. Staples
H.A. Cummings B.L. Hughes J. McMullen A.R. Smith
M. Dalton J. Hunter J. Mills G. Smith
H.W. Fathers W. Hunter P. Murray T.S. Smith
W. Finnerty J. Huntingdon J. Newton J. Wetherill
H.D. Foggin W. Lascelles J.W. Ramshaw S. Wright
G.W. Frame J. Lumsdale T.L. Richardson A.V. Daniels organist
W. Gilhespy J.R. Patterson T. Robson
D. Goss J. Purvis A.W. Royle
J. Fenwick
R. Hubbard
Requiescant in Pace. Requiescant in Pace.
The name “E.Shanks” should be “G.Shanks.”