To the Glory of God and in Honour of
the following Members of the Stockton Cricket Club
who took part in the Great War
1914 18
Abbott, N. Jobling, T.N.
Armstrong, J.L. Kennedy, T.A.
Atkinson, J.J. Lewis, T.
Atkinson, G. Martin, Rev. E.W.
Barrowcliff, A. Pannett, J.
Barrowcliff, F. Pass N.
Barugh, H.P. Pearman, H.W.
Borrie, J. Pickles, H.J.
Borrie, W. Riley, J.
Borrow, J. Robson, T.N.
Bowron, L. Salmon, W.
Dickson, S. Salmon, W.E.
Gilbert, W. Sharp, T.B.
Grabham, G.M. Trenholm, P.
Grabham, H. Walker, J.
Hird, J. Wintersgill, J.
Hopper, B.R. Wright, H.
Jackson, J.R. Whitfield, E.
Kennedy, J. Appleton, E.R.
The following came not back but lie asleep in a foreign land
Bishop, H. Kidd, A.
Callender, R.H. Watson, B.A.
Gooding, C. Wilkinson J.B.
"These laid the world away poured out the red sweet wine of youth
gave up the years to be of youth and joy"
Darlington and Stockton Times adds the following regarding the fallen, and whose photos appeared at the foot of the plaque:
Lieut. J.B. Wilkinson, a former captain of the club;
Sec.Lieut. R.H. Callender
Sec.Lieut. H. Bishop, M.C.;
Sec.Lieut. B. Watson;
Sergt. C. Gooding;
Sergt. A. Kidd.
The Unveiling Programme has slight variations on names:
Abbott, N. Jopling, T.N.
Armstrong, J.L. Kennedy, T.A.
Atkinson, J.J. Lewis, T.
Atkinson, G. Martin, Rev. E.W.L.
Barrowcliff, A. Pannett, J.
Barrowcliff, F. Pass N.
Barugh, H.P. Pearman, H.W.
Borrie, J. Pickles, H.J.
Borrie, W. Riley, J.
Borrow, J. Robson, T.N.
Bowron, I. Salmon, W.
Dickson, S. Salmon, W.E.
Ford, T. Sharp, T.B.
Grabham, G.M. Trenholm, P.
Grabham, H. Walker, J.
Hird, J. Wintersgill, J.
Hopper, B.R. Wright, H.
Jackson, J.R. Whitfield, E.
Kennedy, T.