STOCKTON ON TEES St. Peters Church.
Names of the Fallen to Whom the
War memorial is dedicated.
Addison, R.W. Lee, E.
Allen, G.W. Lloyd, J.
Bailey, F. McAvoy, F.
Bailey, J. Mackintosh, S.O.
Beaumont, R. Miller, J.
Beckwith, H.I. Morton, J.H.
Bell, E.B. Parslow, G.
Branson, F. Raine, J.
Calcott, H. Richmond, W.
Carter, C.A. Robbins, I.
Carter, O.F. Rowntree, J.H.
Carver, R.N. Shipley, R.
Catchpole, M.J. Smith, A.
Cooper, J.W. Smith, A.B.
Cummins, J. Smith, J.W.
Davies, A.C. Stacey, A.
Day, F. Stobbart, W.
Dickinson, T. Taylor, E.
Drew, V. Thompson, F.J.
Eden, H. Thorman, W.
Firth, A. Todd, N.O.
Hale, W. Trenholm, A.
Harris, R.J. Turner G.W.
Harrison, E. Turpin, H.
Hornsby, E. Waller, R.
Howells, W. Walton, G.H.
Hunter, F. Warren, A.
Hunter, T. Watson, B.
Jackson, R. Wharton, H.
Jarrett, D. White, J.
Jopling, J. Yarrow, W.