Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: J. Brown


Monument 1914-18 1939-45 Roadside





Map ref

NZ 164583

Original Location

Roadside outside shopping centre

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 18th June 1921 by Cllr. Brown

Memorial Description

Monument of tapering stones mounted on top of one another. The top three are rough hewn. The topmost carries a wreath raised in half relief. The second and largest stones has a polished front which bears the dedication and names from 1914-18 in two columns. Lettering is in lead sans serif capitals.
A third shallower stone is below this. Affixed to it is a bronze plaque which bears the names from 1939-45 in three columns. There is a narrow raised edge. Lettering is in raised sans serif capitals throughout.
The fourth stone down is splayed and carries a ?shield on the front inside an arc, all raised in half relief.
The stone below this is a plain platform, and it rests on a platform made of brick.
The memorial is set in a slightly raised terrace with walling and seating partly wrapped around. The terrace is partly stone flags and partly black asphalt paving.

Materials used

Red Granite and bronze.


a. Erected by / the inhabitants of Rowlands Gill / to the memory of the fallen heroes / who paid the supreme sacrifice / in the Great War August 1914 - Nov. 1918.
"May their deeds be held in reverence".
b. To the glory of God and in memory of / the men of this village who laid down their lives / in the World War 1939 - 1945.


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Mr. William Donaldson, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: J. Brown; Nan Smith; Simon Raine; Kevin Milburn

Illustrated Chronicle 20/06/1921 carries a photo at the unveiling.

Northern Echo 26/03/1921 reports acceptance of design.

Consett Guardian 01/07/1921 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 25/06/1921 reports unveiling.

Seaham News 23/06/1921 reports unveiling.

Blaydon Courier 25/06/1921 reports unveiling.

Source of quotation
“May their deeds be held in reverence” Not ascertained.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Mrs. N. Smith (Ryton); J. Brown; Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; Dorothy Hall; Kevin Milburn

Research In Progress

The names on Rowlands Gill Memorial (R46. 01) have been researched by Steve Davidson Contact:

Monument 1914-18 1939-45 Roadside (R46.01)

ROWLANDS GILL, Shopping Centre.


    Erected by
    the inhabitants of Rowlands Gill
    to the memory of the fallen heroes
    who paid the supreme sacrifice
    in the Great War  Aug. 1914 – Nov. 1918

    Serg.  C. Young,       R.A.M.C.  Pte.   J. Brown,     N.F.
    Corp.  G. Dotchin,     N.F.      “      J. Cape,      “
    L/Cpl. W. Portlock,    “         “      M. Dixon,     “
    “      W. Davison,     “         “      T. Clark,     “
    “      J. Bingham,     “         “      H. Alderson,  “
    “      N.D. Bush,      D.L.I.    “      J. Hague,     D.L.I.
    “      A. Lyons,       “         “      T. Minks,     “   
    “      G. Shadwick,    C.G.      “      L.D. Turner,  “   
    Gun.   M. Norman,      R.F.A.    “      J. Madison,   “   
    “      T. Smith,       “         “      E. Turnbull,  “   
    A.B.   M. Cowing,      R.N.D.    “      W.B. Lumley,  “   
    “      J. Carter,      “         “      W. Norton,    D.G.
    “      T. Burton,      “         “      J. Allenby,   L.R.
    “      W. Smith,       “         “      J.W. Martin,  S.L.
    “      J. Stephenson,  “         “      E. Southwell, W.Y.
    “      B. Robinson,    “         “      L. Lewis,     L.F.
    “      G. Ditchburn,   “         “      J. Fairless,  Y. & L.
    A/S    C. Knotts,      “         “      N. Bell,      R.A.M.C.
     “     J. Varty,       “         “      J.C. Hathaway,K.O.Y.L.I.
    L/S    W. Dodds,       “         Cpl.   G. Smith,     R.F.A.
    "May their deeds be held in reverence"
    Pte.       J. Hooks,       B.R.         Pte.       T. Carr,       N.F.
Lower plaque:

    To the glory of God and in memory of
    the men of this village who laid down their lives
    in the World War 1939 - 1945

    F/Sgt. A. Archer, R.A.F.     Pte. T.R. Laybourne, Royal Scots Tpr. S. Robinson, Dragoon Gds.
    Tpr. J.W. Barrett, R.A.C.    Gnr. J.B. Logan, R.A.            Sgt. T. Scott, R.E.
    Pte. T. Callendar, R.A.S.C.  Sgt. G. Matthews, R.A.F.         Pte. T. Slater, D.L.I.
    Sgt. Winston Clough, R.A.F.  A.B. Harry Oxley, R.N.           F/Sgt., J.K. Smith, R.A.F.
    Pte. G.R. Elliott, E.Yorks.  Pte. Isaac Oxley D.L.I.          L/Stkr. R.H. Stubbs, R.N.
    Pte. G.A.T. Ellis, R.A.S.C.  Cadet F. Pattison, M.N.          F/Sgt. J.J. Timmins, R.A.F.
    P.O. Vivian Graham, R.F.A.A. W/Tel. Arthur Reay, R.N.V.R.     P/Off. Tom Wright, DFC., R.A.F.

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Every Name A Story