GOSFORTH, Inside Welfare Clinic.
To the Glory of God
and in memory of
the men of Gosforth who died for their Country in the Great War
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Adams, G.S. Brown, W. Denton, Geo.W. Gray, John W.
Adie, Geo.C. Buckley, Cornelius. Detchon, Oswald Green, J.T.
Allan, W. Bullen, Henry, S.T. Dickinson,Geofy.G. Hague, Sydney
Allen, Robt. C. Bulman, Gilbert Dickinson, C.L. Hall, John McRobb
Allison,Wm. Cecil Burdess, Rev. M.S. Diericx, Albert W. Hanson, Rolfe
Anderson, P. Burn, H. Dixon, G.R. Harrison, Tom
Archbold, J. Caird, F.C. Dobson, H.P. Harrison, Rolfe
Arkle, Leslie C. Cairns, W. Dobson, Geo.C. Hartford, R.W.
Arkle, John N. Campbell, Percy Dockeray, R. Henderson, J.
Armstrong, Harold. Carr, Henry C. Dodds, Thos.G. Hepburn, Samuel
Armstrong, E. Carr, Ed. Dodds, Jos. Heron, J.
Armstrong, W. Carruthers, F. Donald, Thos. Herron, A.
Aungiers, E.W. Challoner, J.E. Donnison, Thos. Herron, Austin
Bailes, G. Chapman, C.A. Donnison, Wm. Hetherington, J.T.
Bailey, W. Charlton, J.E. Earley, J. Hetherington, Robt.
Bainbridge, T.G. Charlton, A.Y. Edwards, J.H. Hodgson, Wm.B.B.
Balfour, Frank Douglas Clapperton, J.H. Falconer, R.W. Hodgson, J.
Barnes, David Clark, G.T. Feggeter, John H. Hodgson, W.
Beaton, John Cockburn, R. Ferguson, R. Hodgson, Jos.
Bell, Robt. D. Collingwood, Archie Finlay, James Howe, G.R.
Bell, T.E. Collier, Geo. Fleck, Geo.E. Hudson, Thomas J.
Bell, M. Cook, Thos.T. Fleck, W.G. Hunter, G.E.
Benson, R. Cousins, Geo.H.T. Fletcher, James N. Hunter, Howard T.
Blair, Thos. Cowley, Arthur Foggin, C.E. Inganni, Louis
Boardman, Ephraim Crone, Gerald C. Forster, Thos.F. Irwin, Thos.R.
Bowman, Fred K. Curran, Francis Gibson, Chas.T. Irwin, T.W.
Bradley, I. Curtice, F.R. Gill, H. Irwin, Gibson
Braithwaite, Richard Daggett, C.H. Gilroy, Richard Jobson, Thos.
Braithwaite, N. Darby, W.E. Gofton, Jos.W. Jobson, G.R.
Brewis, John A.G. Davey, James A. Goodban, John Jobson, T.
Broadhurst, J. Davidson, Thos.E. Gover, Leslie Johnson, Thos.H.
Brooks, Geo.Thos. Day, James T. Graham, J. Johnson, Jos.P.
Brown, A. Denard, Jos. Granger, A.S. Johnson, John.
Baskett, H.G. Hadwin, Thos.Geo.
Black, Jos. Ireland, Thos.
Dobson, Sidney Moat, J.W.
Gill, A. Moat, T.M.
Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8
Johnson, A. McAndrew, James Reeve, Geo. Thompson, G.
Johnston, P.E. McAvvy, Jos. Renwick, Jos.W. Thompson, J.H.
Johnston, Robt.D. Milburn, Robt.S. Richardson, B. Thompson, John N.
Johnstone, J. Miller, Herbert Richardson, Henry T. Tinling, Geo.
Jones, H. Mirley, Thos. Robinson, Ridley Tinnion, John
Kidson, Thos.P. Mitchell, W. Robson, Thos.R. Treble, J.N.
Kinnafick, J.E. Moffatt, W.D. Row, Wm.B. Urwin, G.R.S.
Knox, T.W. Mole, J. Rushford, Frank Wadge, J.
Lamb, J. Wm. Morgan, Matthew Rust, Jos. Wakeham, Wm.
Lamb, Leonard Morris, Stanley Sams, G.W. Walker, J.
Lamb, R. Mosley, H. Scott, H. Walton, Albert
Lattimer, Thos. Mosley, L.B. Scott, T. Walton, Robt.
Lawson, T. Murphey, Francis Scott, W.T. Walton, Thos.
Lawton, G. Murray, Robt. Seaward, J. Waters, John
Leask, James C. Nevin, John Shaw, G. Waters, Terence
Lemin, R. Nicholson, L.J. Shaw, J.G. Watson, John
Lennie, J.H. Nixon, Wm. Shepherdson, Jos. Watson, J.E.
Leslie, John L. O'Malley, John Smith, John J. Watson. P.E.
Levin, C.N. Ord, H. Smith, Sydney Watson, Wm
Liegh, Geo. Orr, David Smith, W. Waugh, Thos.H.
Lodge, Wm. Patey, A. Soulsby, John Weightman, Henry
Lovell, Denis Payne, P.O. Soulsby, Martin Weightman, N.
Lynes, A. Pearson, Geo. C. Stephenson, J.W. Wilkin, J.L.
Mahon, Wm. Pearson, P. Stephenson, W. Williams, Jos.H.
Mahon, W.J. Perkins, John Stephenson, Wm. Willis, A.
Mair, J.Gordon Philipson, G.H. Stringer, Thos.I. Wright, Robt.
Marshall, Geo.E. Potts, Robt. Sutherland, G. Johnson, Herbert
Marshall, H.A. Proctor, Wm.R. Swindle, R. Morrison, Richard
Marshall, Chas. Pullan, J.A. Tate, A. Simpson, John G.
Marshall, James Pullan, W.S. Taylor, A. Richardson, A.
Marshall, Stanley Purdy, G. Telford, T.E. Robinson, N.Stafford
Maude, G.W. Purdey, J.H. Tetley, John C. Wallace, H.
Maughan, Jos. Raper, J. Thompson, Arthur Wakeman
Pringle, G.
Names G9.21