DURHAM County Hall
In Memory of
The Members of the Staff of the
Durham County Council
who fell in the wars 1914-1918 and 1939-1945
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
1914-1918 1914-1918 1914-1918
Francis Allen Richard Corker John H. Horne
Jos. Armstrong Arthur H. Corner John W. Huggins
William Arnett A.B. Cosgrave Richard Jameson
Jos. H Atkinson Jacob Crabb Robert Jones
Oswald C. Ash George Crawford Henry King
Jas. F.G. Ashworth Ralph Deighton Jas. H. Lawson
Alf. J. Axtell Hy. Drummond K. Macdonald
John W. Barr John Duke George McPherson
John Barclay John O. Elliott Alex J. Metcalfe
John Barton Ingrm. T. Elsdon G.E. Middlemass
William Bates Edward Fairless Thomas Minks
Willm. H. Bayles Thomas Ferguson William R. Moody
N. Beardmore J.C. Flavell Harry Moore
Thomas H. Bell Basil Ford Gilbert Noon
Gordon Bower Robt. W. Forster A.E.L. Parker
W.H. Bradley Wilson Forrest E.F. Pattinson
Alfred L. Brock I.T.T. Francis H.T. Peadon
Christphr. Brown J.B. Frankton Thos. S. Pratt
Thomas Brown M. Fullerton Thos. P. Prudham
W.L.G. Brown Matt. Gibson Thos. B. Pyburn
William T. Brown Robt. L. Groves Robert Pybus
H.A. Buffham Joseph Guy A.L. Richardson
N.W. Chambers T.R.S. Harrison W.E. Richardson
Henry Chipchase Walter S. Hedger Oliver Richmond
Arthur Chester John G. Heslop Tyson Rigg
Percy Clark William Heslop Geo. S. Rivers
John G. Clark A. Hetherington A.W. Robertson
James E. Cook John W. Hogan T.N. Robinson
Percy Cook Robert Hogg John W. Robson
Arthur Coon John Hook Robert Robson
Saml. S. Collin William D. Hoole Robt. R. Robson
Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
1914-1918 1939-1945 1939-1945
John F. Rowell Edward Alderson Harry Mossop
Hugh Rowell Leslie Austin J.L. Owen
Michl. W. Rudd Arthur Beresford J.G. Parker
Jas. J. Sanderson John Blight G.E. Peart
Fred Seed W.F. Bryce D.G. Penman
Stan. Shepherd George Bolam Arthur Quinn
L. Shortridge William Booth J.W. Richardson
John H. Sinclair Edmund Byers C.A. Riley
Thomas H. Smith J.B. Cairns Stephen Robson
Arthur E. Smith Stanley Conlin A.W. Rutledge
Richd. R. Soulsby J.W. Cook R.P. Short
T.W. Stanfield G.W. Dodds J.H. Spark
Harry Stobbs W.G. Dowson Norman Stevens
W.H. Stockdale Robert Durham F.W. Stanners
Edwin Taylor Geo. Eltringham J.G. Tallentire
Thos. H. Tiffin William Gent Thomas Timney
W.H. Turnbull Willm. Goldsborough Eric Watson
Arthur Turner H.I. Gordon Jack Watson
A.D.L. Vickers P.J. Green J.H. Wells
Josh. P. Wake C.R. Hall A.W. Weston
W.G.B. Walker Stanley Howlett George White
Josh. M. Watson Frank Kidd W.O. White
Sydy. Watson Walter King John Whitfield
Ernest H. Waud J.W. Kipling Derek Williams
Hawey S. Werry R.W. Lawson J.W. Wooff
Edwd. R. Wilson Dennis Lee Maurice York
Josh. K.C. Wood Richard Longstaff
William Wood John Mason
Charles Yearman Eric Mawson
Daniel McDarby
J.K. Morrison