South side
They lived and died like Britons
For King and Country
in proud and grateful
remembrance of the men
connected with
Guide Post, Choppington
who laid down their lives
in the Great War
and whose names are
inscribed hereon
South side 1939-45
Pte. E.Y. Adamson Fus. J.G. Parker
Sgt. A.J. Crammond " N. Redpath
Pte. T.R. Johnson Sgt. H. Stanton
Tpr. W.C. Jordan F.Sgt. S. Stuart
Pte. L. Lynn. L.Sgt. J.G. Whitfield
Sgt. L. Joisce.
South side 1914-18
Pte. R. Fish Pte. J. Hall
Sgt. J. Graham " W.B. Johnson, MM
Pte. R.W. Golden " J. Jameson, MM
" H.H. Golden " J. Lamb
Bde. G.R. Hawkins " T. Leece
Pte. J.W. Hetherington O.S. H.O. Moore
" R. Halcrow Pte A.E. Murray
West Side 1914-1918 East side 1914-1918
Pte. J. Auld, MM Pte. H. Martin
" A.S. Adamson " T. Maxwell
" F. Baker " J. Middleton
" W. Brown " J. McCarthey
" W.R. Barnett " T.W. Mossman
L.Cpl. J. Black Sgt. J.A. Patterson
" D. Bacon Pte. J. Pendrich
" T.W.M. Battensby " D. Porter
L.Cpl. G. Barnfather L.Cpl. R. Robson
Sgt. Major T. Chrisp, MM Pte. H.C. Robson
Pte. T. Curry " J. Robson
" H.C. Clark " J.R. Robson
" J.H. Coppin " J. Reed
" C.W. Crame " H.M. Seymour
Cpl. W. Darling " J.W. Ternent
AB. J.J. Dickinson " E. Thompson
Pte. J. Dickinson " J. Thompson
" R. Dodds " R. Wood
" J. Fraser " P. White
Pte. A. Ford " W. Watson
West side, 1939-1945 East side, 1939-1945
Pte. W. Brown Pte. P.S. Winlow
" H. Price " J. Turner
" E.F. Sherrard