Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: J. Brown


Reredos 1914-18 1939-45 St. Paul





Map ref

NZ 255839

Original Location

St. Paul's Church, on A1068, 1 mile north of Bedlington.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 23rd March 1924 by Dr. Neal, and Dedicated by Rev. H.C. Snowden, Vicar (Hon. Chaplain to H.M Forces).
b. Unveiled 31st October 1948 by Capt. Appleby, on National Executive of British Legion, and President of Northumberland British

Memorial Description

Reredos of twelve panels on either side of the altar. The six to the left of the altar, and two of those to the right, are dedicated to 1914-18. The remaining four panels are dedicated to 1939-45. Each panel is about 4 feet high by 1 foot wide and decorated at the top. The names are incised in Roman script, whilst the dedication, which runs along the bottom, is incised in larger Gothic lettering.

Materials used



a. In grateful remembrance of those from this parish who laid down their lives in the Great War 1914-18
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

b. In memory of those / who lost their lives / during the Second / World War 1939-1945.
"They shall not / grow old as we / that are left grow / old."


Who commissioned

b. War Memorial Fund Committee.


b. £97/9/= was collected, of which £40 surplus was to be given to the Earl Haig Fund.

How money was raised

a. Voluntary public donations only.
b. War Memorial Fund Committee.

Present condition


English Heritage Listing

In Grade II Listed Building

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Ralph Hedley & Sons, Newcastle.


1. For 1939-45 the suggestion for memorial gates was proposed and rejected.

2. As well as creating the panel on the reredos for 1939-45, a credence table was agreed upon for 1939-45, but whether it was actually obtained has not been ascertained. It was not mentioned in the press report of the unveiling of the panel, neither was it seen on a search of the church for this survey.
The Faculty allows for the fixed credence table to be replaced by a suitable movable table, inscribed "In memory of those who lost their lives during the Second World War 1939-1945".

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: J. Brown

Blyth News 24/3/1924 reports unveiling.

Morpeth Herald 28/03/1924 reports unveiling of 1914-18 memorial; 17/09/1948 reports proposals for 1939-45 memorial; 05/11/1948 reports unveiling.

Diocese of Newcastle Faculty Book 2, No. 1661, 06/09/1948 obtained to add the names from 1939-45 to the four empty panels on south side of the those for 1914-18.

Tales from the Front Line: Part III World War One Local History Booklet published by Six Townships Community History Group contains “Bedlington Man in the Trenches” telling Pte.J. Reay’s account.

Sources of quotations
“Greater love hath no man than this . . .” St. John 15 v 13; “They shall not grow old . . .” For the Fallen Lawrence Binyon.

Links to Source Material :

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

Rev. and Mrs. R. Ford; Janet Brown; John S. Perry; Morris Robinson; Mabel Percy; Patrick Easen; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Reredos 1914-18 1939-45 St. Paul (C36.01)

CHOPPINGTON, St. Paul's Church.
1st Panel      2nd Panel       3rd Panel       4th Panel       5th Panel       6th Panel         
Adamson, A.S.  Cairns, A.      Fawbert, J.     Ingham, T.      Martin, H.      Parkes, A.B.
Allen, R.W.    Calvert, H.     Fish, R.                        Mavin, R.       Patterson, H.
Anderson, H.   Carr, A.        Ford, A.        Jackson, G.     Maxwell, T.     Patterson, J.A.
Anderton, G.   Chapman, A.     Foster, F.      James, R.       McCarthy, J.    Pattie, T.
Armstrong, R.  Charlton, R.A.  Frater, I.      Jameson, J.     McGarrigle, W.  Pattison, D.P.W.
Armstrong,R.J. Chrisp, T.      Frazer, I.      Johnson, A.M.   McIntyre, J.    Paxton, G.
Atherton, J.   Chrisp, W.      French, B.      Johnson, E.     McKay, J.W.     Percy, J.
Athey, J.      Clark, H.C.                     Johnstone, F.   Mein, A.        Pendrich, J.
Atkinson, D.   Coppin, J.H.    Gallon, J.      Johnstone, J.   Middleton, J.   Phillips, W.
Atkinson, H.L. Coxon, P.       Gallon, W.      Johnstone, T.   Moffatt, J.     Porter, D.
Auld, J.       Cowans, J.      Gibbon, G.E.    Johnstone, W.B. Montgomery, W.  Price, H.
               Collingwood, G. Gibson, H.      Joisce, W.M.    Moore, H.C.     Pyle, J.G.
Bacon, D.      Crane, G.W.     Gibson, S.      Jordon, J.      Mossman, T.W.   Queen, C.
Baker, F.      Crackett, T.    Golden, H.H.                    Murray, A.E.    Redpath, J.
Banks, T.      Cunningham, P.  Golden, R.W.    Lamb, J.                        Reed, J.
Barnes, W.     Curry, T.       Graham, J.      Lawson, J.J.    Neal, G.        Richardson, E.
Barnfather, G.                 Grant, G.       Lawson, J.J.W.  Neal, S.        Ridge, T.
Barnett, W.R.  Darling, W.     Green, G.       Leece, J.       Neal, T.        Roberts, F.
Battersby,TWM. Deans, J.                       Legg, R.H.      Neesam, T.      Robinson, A.
Batchelor, H.  Dickenson, J.   Hall, J.        Lennon, W.      Nelson, T.      Robson, A.
Black, I.      Dickenson, J.J. Halcrow, R.     Locke, M.T.     Nichol, F.W.    Robson, C.
Blaylock, J.W. Dickinson, J.   Hare, A.        Lodge, W.       Nicholson, W.   Robson, J.
Briggs, J.     Dickinson, W.J. Hare, J.        Logan, H.                       Robson, J.R.
Brown, W.      Dixon, L.       Harle, J.       Logan, W.       Orkney, A.      Robson, R.
Bryans, W.     Dixon, R.M.     Hawkins, G.R.   Lowes, G.       Osborne, A.     Robson, W.
Burns, M.      Dixon, T.       Henderson, W.                                   Ross, J.
Burrell, W.    Dobie, T.W.     Hetherington, J.W.                              Russell, P.
               Dodds, R.       Hogg, J.                                
               Dunn, J.        Hutchinson, J.W.   
7th Panel      8th Panel       9th Panel       10th Panel      11th Panel     12th Panel
Sanderson, R.  Watson, M.      In memory of those/who lost their lives/during the Second/World War 1939-1945
Scurfield, J.  Watson, W.
Seymour, H.M.  Weightman, J.   Angus, J.       Fairbairn, J.   Nixon, C.H.     Stark, J.
Sherrard, E.F. White, P.       Adamson, E.Y.                                   Stuart, S.
Short, R.      Willis, G.J.    Aird, J.        Hall, J.        Orange, W.
Slaughter,J.W. Wilson, A.                      Hindmarsh, J.                   Taylor-Walker, I.
Smith, T.      Winlow, R.S.    Balaam, C.J.    Hudspith, J.    Panton, H.M.    Turner, G.
Straughan, G.  Wood, R.        Bell, R.        Hunn, A.        Parker, J.G.    Twist, R.
Summers, G.B.                  Boddy, G.H.                     Philips, T.
               Young, R.       Brown, H.       Johnson, T.R.   Prail, D.H.     Warrior, R.A.
Taylor, J.     Young, T.S.                     Joisce, L.      Punshon, M.     Whitfield, J.C.
Ternent, G.H.                  Cook, J.R.      Jordan, W.C.                             
Ternent, J.W. Died from the    Crammond, A.J.                  Redpath, N.
Thompson, A,  Effects of Service               Lennox, W.      Rice, R.        "They shall not
Thompson, E.                   Davis, R.J.H.   Lynn, L.        Robinson, H.    grow old as we
Thompson, H.  Barnfather, I.   Dinsdale, T.W.  Mash, J.        Robinson, J.    that are left grow
Thompson, J.  Barnfather, N.   Dye, B.A.       McBride, J.N.   Rogers, J.      old".
Thompson, R.  Cook, J.E.                       McGregor, R.    Saviour, A.
Turnbull, J.  Cutter, J.       Eastham, G.     McIntyre, H.R.  Spencer, W.J.
Turner, J.    Hare, H.         Elliott, J.     Moffitt, R.     Stanton, H.
Turner, J.W.  Knox, W.F.
              McDonald, G.R.
              Seely, J.
              Wilson, A.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story